When I stop thinking about about something it'll turn out that I've been staring at someone without meaning to.

Am i the only one who noticed that the title of this page has a grammatical error?

when making thing only you think you do you never read the terms of service

What do you call a rapist in your house? Your father.

I pee in the shower.

try and open the microwave right before it finishes.

Courtesy flush.

You think someone is reading your mind and hurriedly change what your thinking to something normal

Sometimes I reflexively say "ouch" when I drop an inanimate object and I'm not even hurt.

im going to RAPEEEE that girl

while taking a bath, I imagine my knees, belly, arms etc poking out of the water are islands, and i imagine little people running around on them

I let everyone know I'm a lesbian as soon as I meet them, ('cause I wouldn't want to continue talking to someone who hates gays).

I can't piss with my shoes on.

whenever I see those commercials where there is two people talking to each other but they constantly look at me it really irritates me

Act as if you don't notice her, but you really are dying to take another look at her.

Imagine myself going back in time and giving my friends and family little hints on how their life will pan out.

Before I go to bed I have to put one of my hands between my knees in order to warm up and get comfy.

when you are at home doing something then all of a sudden you imagine how you would take down a killer if he came into your home right now. just me?

Secretly open a packet of something or spray some deodorant in a shop to check what it looks/feels/smells like. Then put it back and pick up the one behind because you just used/opened the one you were just holding.

I wonder what it wonder be like to have a really tall girlfriend?

I don't like just killing bugs in my home so what I do is I would catch them in a tissue and flush them down my toilet

Sometimes when you're at work and you're REALLY horny, you look around at the women you work with and think who you really would like to bone, then on another particular day when you aren't horny, you see the same women and think to yourself " I must have REALLY been horny. What was I thinking?" lol (not trying to be gross, but honestly, who doesn't get horny while at work sometimes)

After reading some good posts here, I skipped to the last pages just to find out really sick people and stupid things.

when im lying in bed in summer and im hot i just turn my sheets on the other side so its cool again

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.