Reading a book and making the facial expressions it describes.

Stick ur thumb between ur first and middle finger without realizing it

When I was younger I would image a band that played the songs on the radio that was strapped to the roof of the car during long car rides.

I masturbate evenly with both hands so that my penis doesn't become crooked.

Pee in the shower.

Tried to suck ur own penis

Look at a word and count the letters by 2's - continue counting the letters over and over by 2's until it comes out even at the end of the word.

Realizing that when you look behind a shower curtain before using the bathroom and actually see a Serial killer, you have no plan...

Having a dream and forgetting it seconds later.

I plant my feet firmly when the subway approaches in case a random stranger tries to kill me by pushing me in front of the train.

Sometimes I wipe my butt so violently that my finger goes through the toilet paper and into my butt hole. I enjoy it and question my sexuality. ;)

Think that a movie is shorter after you watch it once or twice

instinctively thumb down long posts without reading them.

Whenever i am watching TV my parents always walk by at the worst part like a sex scene or a dirty joke.

when someone is talking about something i have no idea of and then asked me if i agree I'm like: oh yes! and then promptly changing subject so they won't find out

Realising that there are ASSHOLES posting dumb shit on this site.

waking up from an amazing/awesome dream and spend the rest of the day thinking up of new senarios to come after...

Fall asleep at night fantasizing about how you wish life situations would play out.

you know how everyone talks about making life decisions in the shower and thinking about life?.....yeah thats me on the toilet

Find yourself alone at a party/gathering of some sort... Pretend to send a text to make people think you're not a loner.

when someone says something like 'it's too late' i always start singing 'to apologizeeeeee' even though i think people are annoyed of me always singing along to their sentences and changing the meaning, but i just cannot stop it

Rub boogers under the arm rest on the couch.

Stuff 13 chips in my mouth when no one is looking, bite 1 chip in half and chew it for 30 seconds when someone is looking.

Put my hand under the pillow in bed to get orgasm

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.