Shit in the shower and pushing it down the drain with your feet

"Oh, that was a messed up thought, probably shouldn't think about it again or something worse because---GODDAMN IT."

Give your neighbors names from movies.

Buying a new song, listening to it on repeat for hours until it gets old, and then never listening to it again.

Whenever we watch a movie or stupid educational film in school, I sleep.

Eating a crunchy food while watching tv and turning up the volume little by little until its around 80% because you can't hear over the sound of your own chewing. Then later when you turn back on the tv you scare yourself because it's still at 80% and frantically try to turn it down with super speed before anyone hears you.

When I masturbate I trade hands often in fear that my penis may become crooked.

give speeches in the sower for random awards you will never receive.

When riding in a vehicle at night, where the stars are visible, I feel like they're racing us.

When I wear a backpack I constantly check to make sure all the pockets are zipped

I give my own posts a thumbs up whenever I have the option and I know that it's anonymous.

Drying yourself after the shower with a towl, wiping your ass dry and beeing scared when you dry other parts of your body you dont use the same part of the towl.

When i lie, i try not to swallow because i think they'll notice - John

Whenever I'm home alone, I listen to songs from my culture like Ella Ella, Taboo, or Sexy Robotica by Don Omar or other fun dancing songs, super loud and dance crazy and sing along as loud as I can. Any one else?

sleep with your legs crossed like your meditating.

If someone uses a term thats like, in the know, and they ask if i know what it means, ill act like, of course ido, even if i dont, and then ill go home and look it up.

seeing small spots in your eye (dust probably) and then chasing them with your eye trying to catch them

Turn on Fox News and wonder if I'm watching a bad comedy routine or news reporting.

when no one is home I grab my sisters boobs she has big ones I mean it.

When I pee if there is already some toilet paper there I try to sink it with my pee.

when I take a big dump I turn around to see how big it is

Repeat the phrase "you too" after a comment someone makes that does not apply. Bob: happy birthday Jim Jim: you too bob. Awwww sh!t.

Act like your on a cooking tv show when your cooking

When I have to use my hands to eat my steak, chew the bones etc (do not tell me that so far this is weird and unusual :P ) I wipe my fingers after each touch => use a whole pack of table tissues :D

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.