thinking about how you will never understand who in the world thought it was a good idea to spell "Wednesday" like that

I have short haircuts so I don't have messed up hair in the morning (It's a real time saver)

You come across a movie on network television, you own it, you can see the DVD on the shelf, it would take you less then 30 seconds to put the DVD on, instead you watch it on that station, commercials and all.

Finally understand the meaning of a song i used to like as a child....... Im a Barbie girl in a Barbie world-Noel

I sometimes deliberately missed buses and trains even if I could easily board them.

Put ear buds in nose, open mouth, instant speaker. If you don't do it try it.

I never find things funny unless I'm in a completely silent room, and it is then that I think or see something funny and begin to almost cry of laughter.

when going through this website only read post that have 2 or more thumbs up

I cannot f***ing believe how many of these i do... and now i feel out of place

You like to think about how your favorite characters would react if you told them that they were fictional.

Time a song on my MP3 player to be the soundtrack to something I'm about to do, especially in public places.

try to find this website, but type in "thingsonlyyouthinkyoudo" or "thingsyouonlythinkyoudo" .. give up.. then google it instead.

When at a red you watch the light real close and as soon as it turns green you try to beat the other cars to the other side of intersection

I'm starting to ignore Hollywood, the news and experts opinions more and more.

stare at the same gender for a long time and think 2 urself "am i gay?" and when they look at you, you tun ur eyes another way!

I T-bag my teammates in MW3 when they die.

Use é instead of e to spell Pokémon

whenever someone pulls up beside you in another car, you are fully aware of them, but never look at them, your too cool to care what they look like.

Go into a card shop, laugh hysterically at the funny ones, then leave. Then whilst walking down the street, you think of them again and burst out laughing. This is highly embarrassing when you're alone!

pretend your on the phone talking to someone to make you look like you not a loner

At the store then mom leaves to get something then u start panicking as the cashier begins paying and you thing she will charge yo already

being super bored at school

When I'm in the shower, I'm afraid something might try to kill me so I shower with my glasses on.

Read weird posts like this one on the HorseHead Network.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.