I praise the honesty of you all! :) I think confessing here is kind of fun...am I alone?

When I'm walking on pavement or tiles I always make patterns, e.g stepping on every second tile, stepping a certain amount of times on each bit of pavement

When I fart in public, I always pretend that nothing ever happened.

Have to catch my significant other when they lie, not because I really care but to prove I'm smarter

I sleep in my underpants every single night

sit closer to the water so my poop isn't so loud..

Watching tv with family/friends and laughing at something on the show, and then feeling awkward because no one else laughed.

When I'm running a bath I sometimes sit and look at myself in the mirror and act out conversations with people I've never talked to or celebrities, and when I say something that sounds good I'll repeat it over and over again until I nail huge emotions on my face.

Sometimes, I have a hard time looking people I know in the eyes but have no trouble looking strangers in the eyes. I wish I knew why. Help!

Lying in be and pretending you are in a tv show, the characters best friend, playing it out in your mind. Or you dream while awake, and you control it, and you fly to Hollywood and become your faborite celebrities best friend.

Having sudden realizations that you are a person who exists.

when making thing only you think you do you never read the terms of service

See my "double reflection" in 2 mirrors and then get freaked out for a good ten minutes that my usual image of myself is actually the flipped version...

flushing the toilet eventho not yet finish pee-ing. So that the water sucks it right after the last drop of your pee. Saves 2-3seconds of your life.

Every time I see people's bare feet I'm automatically counting their toes to make sure if they have an extra toe or two.

Seeing someone gettin roasted for something and then making sure you dont do the same thing.

Erasing the history cache on the computer after visiting an x rated website.

Not buying a product you might have otherwise been interested in simply because you think their TV ad is stupid.

Hit the off button on the microwave three times to simulate the sound it makes when time is up.

Use é instead of e to spell Pokémon

call someone by a siblings name.

think that your whole life is just a dream and that you're going to wake up someday

laziness .... its all in the mind

If I drop a piece of candy on the floor, I have to drop another piece so it won,t be lonely

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.