stare at the same gender for a long time and think 2 urself "am i gay?" and when they look at you, you tun ur eyes another way!

Not buying a product you might have otherwise been interested in simply because you think their TV ad is stupid.

Use a signature that automatically gets me hundreds of red thumbs... Yeah that moral crap...

I'm really picky about how I earn money

Eat ice by itself

I sit in a chair upside down and pretend like i'm walking on the ceiling.

When I post something on this site, I always do the thumb up at my own post.

trying to piss after masturbation hurts.

~When you turn around, somebody is already looking at you; something is probably on your face. (I know they look at you because you would look at anybody turning around, but I just hate it)

Always run up the stairs as if someone was chasing you.

Having a deja vu, swearing you've seen something before.

Look at the toilet paper after i wipe my ass just to make sure i didn't leave anything behind..

When I'm in the car I imagine I'm Superman flying along next to the car, whipping under, over and around traffic signs, trees, and fences. Sometimes I then fly up above the traffic a little. Then I get worried I will cause a traffic accident because people will be watching me instead of the road. I've done this since I was a kid. I'm 45 now and I still do it! Sometimes I'm Spider-Man, swing and jumping from truck to truck, car to car to keep moving fast along the highway. And lately, sometimes I do the Superman flying thing, but as Iron Man.

When winking, I feel as if I have to wink with the other eye to be fair to both eyes.

Thinking about what other poeple are doing right now... Like someone solving world hunger and your sitting there playing games and having fun with friends that are nice and healthy.

Put ear buds in nose, open mouth, instant speaker. If you don't do it try it.

I cannot f***ing believe how many of these i do... and now i feel out of place

Do sex sensations feel exactly the same for the opposite sex.

My dreams are almost always bizarre in some way - the only time they're ever normal is when they're the premonition type, and then they're about completely uneventful things but accurate down to the tiniest detail.

Get the feeling that somebody is going to grab your foot when you walk by a bed in the dark...

When I drop something, I stand there and watch it fall, I stand still because I'm afraid that I'll maybe mess up something else, instead of picking it up quickly. Am I the only one? ;)

.don't like something because being scared that it appears on my wall.

think that your whole life is just a dream and that you're going to wake up someday

i cannot watch horror films that have blood in it for fear of nightmares

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.