read some comments here and wonder if people really do that

always check thde back seat before starting the car

Read shampoo bottle when no magazine in bathroom.

In public,try to make eye contact with most people.

When theres a sex scene in the movie I like to jack off to see if I would last as long as the man -deadpool (yogurt)

When I'm getting shouted out i blur my eyes and think of something else :3

Always run up the stairs as if someone was chasing you.

If some makes you mad you do things alot better than you would if you were not mad

Feel like puhing the crap out of people who talk loud in public places.

Domina Olga shows no mercy when she ride your dick

Sometimes I toot.

I don't like just killing bugs in my home so what I do is I would catch them in a tissue and flush them down my toilet

draw pictures on the mirror from the shower steam

go though and like the posts with only one like so the person who wrote it doesn't feel alone.

going to bed at 10:30 pm realize i have to check Facebook go to YouTube randomly watch 2 hours of nothing, then find my self pulling an all nighter cause its 4 am and i got school.

I am such a coward. When I'm going to have an argument or complain to someone, I think of the beat ever retort, but when it comes down to it I say "why are you so mean" or " why don't you just leave me alone for once" or something like that. ( Yes I get picked on, cos I'm the smartest in our class)

Think of a song, tv show, or movie for a brief moment. Hear/see it the next day.


When you are taking a test or anywhere , you remember something funny and you laugh randomly looking like a dumbass then pretend to cough.

Sometimes when I'm watching a sitcom, I get distracted from the jokes because the characters are in a bedroom and I start focusing on the awesome stuff they have.

place all your achievements in your room to impress your friends

Sit at your desk at work and think to yourself "is this it? I feel like I was meant for something bigger, like being an actor or a real life hero." then you look around you and feel bad because you feel like you dumped on everyone else who seem happy wih their lives. Then you go back to your boring desk job anyway.

I have mixed emotions when I drop a piece of food on the ground, like a chicken nugget, M&M, scoop of ice cream, etc - because part of me thinks it is sad because its only goal in life was to be eaten... but then the other part of me is happy for it, because it is possible that it *didn't* want to be eaten and has just made a successful escape. O_o

When I see someone who is clearly wealthy, I think to myself "I could do it better than you..."

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.