You like to think about how your favorite characters would react if you told them that they were fictional.

On Youtube. Moving the mouse cursor over the video thumbnails thinking it will display different snap shots from the video. And realizing what a guy I am...

Touch something dirty with one hand then wash it but then wash the other hand cause it feels weird when it's not wet like your other hand.

I have to keep reading website pages until I reached 5, 10, 15 etc. When I get close to my age though, I can finish there.

Pick my scabs off and then lick the blood off.

Think of the most awkward or dreadful thing you could possibly do in any given situation and be almost compelled to do it but then realising that you could never show your face anywhere ever again if you did.

When at a red you watch the light real close and as soon as it turns green you try to beat the other cars to the other side of intersection

Start to pray at night, but get bored and stop in 2 min.

I don't read the terms of service.

Take nibbles whenever you get to the last piece of your burger to make it last longer.

Cheak the fridge every 5 minuets waiting for food to just "magicly" appear

Archer's Pam poovey, Lana Kane and Malory makes me horny

When I walk past a homeless person asking for change, I avoid looking them in the eye and walk faster.

Videotape my mother in the shower.

Use head & "Shoulders" for pubic hair

whenever someone pulls up beside you in another car, you are fully aware of them, but never look at them, your too cool to care what they look like.

When I wait for something to load, I right click and then quickly try to drag a box around the right click box before it disappears. Then I try to right click and drag and see if I can outline the right click box before it appears.

Think it's awesome when I look at a clock and it reads the same numbers that my address starts with.

feel like im being watched turn my head sideways and see someone suddenly look away.

I can't trill my R's

Sometimes I think about what I would do if I accidentally killed someone. I don't want to kill anyone, but if I did it accidentally. Would I call an ambulance, hide the body, confess to police, destroy evidence, etc?

whenever I lucid dream, I find that I don't do much

Moisturize "down there" after a really drying wipe session.

When something says "I have read and agree to the terms of service" I quickly skim through it nd act like I read it.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.