Accidently send an empty text or text multiple people and send wrong text to wrong person

sometimes when I'm eating, I eat with the opposite side of my mouth. just to be fair to it.

There's this reassuring voice in my head. She's almost like a mother, telling me that it'll be alright and that I have things to do.

I hate it whenever i hear Manny Paquiao saying "you know" in every interviews he make. Am i the only one who notice it?

Reading these, realizing that you don't do some of the things on the top of the list, and wondering if you're weird.

Food is always tastier the SECOND time you heat it up.

Naming every pet you've ever owned Peter Jankins

I always find myself criticizing some commercials on television like the first time I see them I think nothing of it but the third or fourth time I think hey wait a second...

A lot of times I'll make up reasons for why different things happen even though I really have absolutely no idea.

get really paranoid when you're in a shop's changing room and try and make sure the curtain is fully closed so nobody can see in

Pretend my life is a videogame.

When I drive I cut corners even at low speeds so that the people behind me think I am experienced race car driver.

I never even met you! Why do you care who I'm talking to?

Meet a really cool girl imagine the rest of my life with her.

Moisturize "down there" after a really drying wipe session.

When im going from one room to the next, i try and get into the other room before the door to the last room closes. If i do, I've won.

Thinking your life is a movie...

collect kleenex boxes for the cool designs

Listen to song and think of a great montage that would go with it.

When listening to music via headphones in public, I become paranoid that I am bothering everyone around me as my breathing becomes louder without me realising.

i try to spit onto my line of piss while going to the toilet.

In britain,everytime i see a magpie i got to do this silly ritual and salute and say good morning mr magpie (depending on wat time of day it is) and make sure 2 ppl see it at the same time or something bad will happen.then someone will tell me another one i should do and i add it on! Its never ending.

Trying to do things before the microwave beeps .

When I am talking about someone, I check my phone to make sure it hasn't dialed them and to make sure they aren't listening.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.