I make different scenarios for different songs I listen to. I pretend the walls and couches are people. I talk to them.

I feel no shame that I am a camgirl online and bring in about $2800 a month just to flash guys my boobs. :)

When you say bye to someone and keep walking in the same direction, and then its really awkward...

Go to someone's house and go and ask where something is and the person you ask just tells you without getting up (I know it doesn't go with the theme of this site but its just something annoying)

Sometimes I try to solve a math problem using my finger and my thigh, and when I make a mistake a erase it with my hand.

Complimenting a girl awkwardly,and then smiling stupidly later and thinking of alternate versions of the conversation that happened!!

In school trying to do a small fart because it really hurting and suddnly a earthquake happens

I lie in bed and when I get bored I try to convince myself that I'm lying at the other end

I refuse to imagine good things happening to me, because if I did, it won't come true and I end up being suck at everything.

Stepping on a concrete sidewalk square the exact amount of times as the others.

Telling yourself that starting tomorrow you will start to exercise and eat better, but never doing it.

Sometimes I make awkward eye contact with strangers. And I quickly look away. And then I look back. And then look away again. And I keep being compelled to stare awkwardly at the random stranger for no reason.

Wake up, unnaturally hungry, make meal fit for a king.

thinking about how you will never understand who in the world thought it was a good idea to spell "Wednesday" like that

Walk next to someone so you don't look too lonely.

when you're fapping and thinking about someone, you either get a text from them moments later, or stop thinking about them because you feel like they are reading your mind.

Go on this site to feel normal.

wonder if the strange thing you're doing right now will pop up on this website

Wake up after a dream. About a day later you think about if it was real or not.

Be a loner at school

i fap in the bathroom because its the only room i have a reason to lock the door in.

When the font allows it, try to hide the cursor in capital I's.

When in the shower dread putting the shower gel on you chest as it is freezing!!!

Fall down the stairs, bounce on your ass to the bottom, feel scared, then want to DO IT AGAIN! Get pwned at a game, rage, look at your cat sitting beside you, looking back, and say "What?"

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.