I have to look at myself in multiple mirrors before I leave my apartment. Sometimes if I'm alone, I'll walk back and forth between 2 or 3 mirrors about 25 times before I'm content to leave.

i want to FAWK the SHYT out of that girl

When a stripper sucks you so hard that the tip of your penis gets circumcised

don't wash my hands after using the toilet because its a waste of time

I never read the terms and conditions but I say I have

I'm so used to pooping with my phone that everytime I forget it I take less than 5 minutes, versus the usual 26.

When I'm getting shouted out i blur my eyes and think of something else :3

I eat one way in public and another way in private.

get annoyed when people talk on the phone really loudly in front of the TV, forcing you to mute your show, resulting in you missing half of what the people are saying.

When you're bored or alone, you think of an argument you had with a friend recently, then think of all the things you should've said and get all powered up inside, but then you realise it's too late -_-

thinking your pants are wet when you only just sat down for a long time

Being afraid to up-vote the embarrassing posts on this page for fear that it might somehow post onto my Facebook.

Talk to my cat.

Thinking about different guys and how they would be in bed, then thinking im a slut for thinking it...

I don't like to answer the phone because it is never for me.

If two cars towing boats were to crash into each other, Would that make it a boating accident?

in burgers, you eat until you have only a few bites left, then you eat the bun and then the insides

When you're alone in a room and you have to turn on the TV so it's not as silent...

Sometimes I toot.

You question gods existence and evolution but then quickly tell herself hes real so you don't get struck with a lighting bolt

Admit, that most of your saved files on you´re computer have titles like: sdfdshleh / sjjs87 / sjflekeh

Sometimes I think that if we play with dolls, maybe we're just dolls that someone is playing with and creating lives for.

Start to do homework online, end up on facebook :/

When climbing onto an escalator, I cannot just step on it and go, I have to mentally prepare myself and time my steps to get on, especially if it's going down, cause I'm terrified I will fall off... I usually end up irritating the people behind me trying to get on, as it takes me almost 10 to 15 seconds to find the right step.. And also, I cannot touch the escalator's sides.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.