Give vocal commentary on the song I just played when I'm the only one in the car.

When you do something really cool but no one is there to see it and it's pointless to try and tell them about it because they don't believe you

Stand really close to the mirror and look myself in the eyes. Try to scare myself or make a really fast movement, hoping my reflection can't keep up.

When on a sidewalk I always try to make my last step on the block with my left foot.

When I see that someone else is typing while I'm texting them, I try to quickly finish what I'm typing and send it so that I won't have to change my response.

I refuse to imagine good things happening to me, because if I did, it won't come true and I end up being suck at everything.

Run the shower before you get in/ move out the way of the water to let it warm up first

Walk next to someone so you don't look too lonely.

I fantasize about my idol as I try to fall sleep at night. He's Michael Jackson.

If I have my computer and I have to do something quietly (because there are other people about) I hear music in heaphones, just so it seems to myself that I'm more discreet, as I can't hear myself.

Wake up after a dream. About a day later you think about if it was real or not.

I kick my shoes off, sending them flying to various parts of the room. I then pick them up and place them neatly beside each other

After washing butt, turn my butt towards the shower and spread butt cheeks apart to wash the soap out of my crack.

If I have a top comment and I see someone else does, I upvote both of ours; friendly competition.

when im alone i pretend to sniper zombies out my bedroom window

When I haven't looked in a mirror for a while, I worry that I look awful, and when I get to a mirror, I'm like "Oh yeah, that's what I look like".

Make a little song with tiny breaths out of your nose

When in the shower dread putting the shower gel on you chest as it is freezing!!!

Fall down the stairs, bounce on your ass to the bottom, feel scared, then want to DO IT AGAIN! Get pwned at a game, rage, look at your cat sitting beside you, looking back, and say "What?"

When I go to somewhere like France I always wittily comment to my friend " oh look at all those bloody foreigners as I have always thought they were tougher on immigrants

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> <

I wish I can go somewhere where there is no influences trying to get me to buy a product or be a certain way

read some posts and then sit with friends and try to come up with some good things for this website

think that you are wasting way too much time on this website and that you could be exercising right now or be doing a million more productive things than righting about doing more productive things on things you think only you do.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.