I have seen a UFO

something happens with a person that u were close to but then they become an asshole, u get mad, and when u stop talking feel really depressed even though u hate them

Scratch my scalp and look around the place if there is someone watching me (if no one does) quickly smell my fingers

When serving grilled steak, I always make sure I get the best one.

Judge a stranger in your mind (God, they're ugly/fat etc.) then wonder if they heard you thinking it.

Whenever I accidentally drop a glass or cup it always bounces the first time but breaks the second

Whenever I hear someones name being announced on a p.a., in a store for example....I say out loud 'never heard of him/her'

I only used to eat McCoys Salt & Vinegar crisps when it was raining, because I thought they tasted better when it rains. Anyone else?

When the wind is blowing like crazy, I pretend I am the god who controls it.

Search up google on bing or yahoo because i feel that google is so much better

Imagine I'm walking in slow motion when I enter a bar or club

I twerk in the mirror to see how much my ass jiggles

Pretend like i'm having a conversation with someone talking to somebody on a phone, and randomly say something to go with what the person says.

I get mad at women because they menstruate and that's gross. I don't judge one woman individually for it, but I'm disgusted with the whole gender, which leads to being almost disgusted with myself for being attracted to them.

Believing in the kindness of strangers

When I'm watching something interesting on TV, sometimes i realize they I'm making a weird face so i make sure that i make my face go back to its normal position. This way, my face won't get stuck like that

(Men) When you have to poop and pee at the same time, you stand to pee, and THEN sit to poop. Just out of principle.

In a meeting at work, you imagine throwing coffee into your boss's face, just to see what he would do.

Sometimes I walk around town and watch peoples TVs through their windows. When they see me and confront me, I try to get a conversation about the show going.

Pick your dead skin then eat it.

I have a phobia of incest

I like to lather my entire body with Nutella and put paper in my hands and stand there acting like a tree.

Look at just about ANYTHING you see in the context of a zombie apocalypse. Example: strategizing escape routes and barricade points while you're walking down the hallway in school, or looking at something ordinary, like a baseball bat, and thinking, 'I could bash some zombie brains with that'

When boarding the escalator, I select a specific step before getting on causing a slight queue.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.