get really confused

When peeing at a urinal, move my stream back and forth the coat as much of the wall as I can.

Love the natural smell of my dog's paws.

When someone is talking to me and I'm not really listening, when it gets quiet I say 'that's crazy' so they think I'm listening.

play Simpsons episodes in my head...way too often

Pretend to be texting to look popular in public

When I was younger I'd lay in bed & think about who I would pick if a person told me that I had to choose between 2 people and the 1 that I don't choose will die.

Whenever I hear a baby or a young child scream very loud, I imagine that their head will explode.

Scratching with the wife's/girlfriends hair brush.

I always try to play it cool and act like it’s no big deal. But I always have a mini anxiety attack before actually stepping onto a moving escalator. It is a task trying to time my step perfectly where my foot isn’t hanging off a step and I have to hurry my second foot on there isn’t an awdward space of steps between my feet. -Ikka

Imagine flying things and epic battles when listening to music.

right click refresh on desktop. Repeat

go though and like the posts with only one like so the person who wrote it doesn't feel alone.

I feel that getting a 98 on a test is better than getting a 99.

Sometimes while texting or messaging, I enact the physical gestures that accompany what I'm saying as if it were an in-person conversation, even though no one can see me.

I spin around in a spot, and then close my eyes and tilt my head up and to the opposite side i'm spinning to. It just feels awesome and it's even better while listening to music.

Try to time the traffic light so that when I snap, my light turns green. Always so so close.

When I was a kid and I misbehaved when my dad used to smack me I would put emphasis in my cries to let him think that I got the lesson.

sometimes when i fart i feel like i pooped a little in my underwear but tell myself ''no i didn't'' but feel poopy until i check.

Sometimes I cant sleep without something making noise , like a fan .

When the vacuum cleaner's going, I try to stay as far away from it and block the noise by shutting doors.

I am convinced that nobody had opened bacon or packets of ham with the flappy corner because it dosnt work!! So i get a knife and saw it out.

Fantasize a situation that turns you into a person with superpowers or something.

Close the Facebook page, after not having a single message in hours, and re open it in a minute, expecting numerous new messages......

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.