daydream/pretend i'm in a story. pretend to be a new person in a movie where all the cool main characters are my friends, add to the movie with my own story and add twists and make it my own.

Wipe a soda can after somebody else in my family drinks out of it just in case I get sick or I may feel there spit.

Put the porn sound in a really low volume even when you have headphones, just to make sure noone can hear it. Then take off the headphones once in a while to check if it sounds too loud.

When looking at these comments, don't like the ones with lots of comments on because you think they have too many and the others deserve your liking as they might feel left out.

When I'm listening to a sad song that relates to my life while I'm walking all alone, I mouth the words and pretend I'm in a music video.

Whenever I see a girl, I always do the math for how good they would be for banging

Inspect the shower, bath or toilet, then washing it until you believe it is suitable to use.

When I'm bored in school I always imagine the teacher asks me something and my response is starting to sing a song. Somewhen some of my friends sing along with me. Then the whole class sings this song. We run out of classroom into the hallways and every other pupil comes out their classroom to see what's happening. Then They all sing along with me. We run out of school and sing and dance like in a musical. Then I actually remind myself, its impossible that every student knows the lyrics of the song I'm just thinking of and get depressed again.

After getting up from the grass, I use my foot to move the grass I was sitting on around so that there isn't a butt print in the grass.

Thinking about a situation someone else in the world might be in. For example, Someone dying and the pain they must be going through.

that time where you open the fridge door and stare at it for like 10 min then close it and walk away?

turn off the alarm clock one minute before its goes off when you wake up in the morning

I pee in the sink so i don't have to aim

Start to cry when your alone, but stop yourself because you don't want to look like a pussy.

I was the real Stig...

Wipe my hands on a cold glass to clean my hands

Lightly touching your stomach or other body parts with your fingers to get that tickling sensation.

Make fun of someone for something. Then realize you do the same thing

When a male dies and screams in pain in a movie, I feel normal about it. When a female does, I feel bad and want to help.

If I'm walking across a road and a car stops to allow me to pass, I say 'Thank you' even though I know full well they cannot hear me.

I sleep in my underpants every single night

I wonder what it wonder be like to have a really tall girlfriend?

Every time I miss a gree light by just a couple seconds, I think to myself, "Maybe if I had made that light an out of control semi would be slamming into my car right at this moment." Thank you red light.

When alone and listening to music I pretend that I am the artist and dance around the room like its the music video or I am on stage.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.