I pick at my cuticles when I'm bored.

Feel the bed gets more comfortable the longer you put off getting into bed.

Thinking ambient thoughts while fondling myself into a semi hard-on.

You do a retarded dance when a song you don't like comes on

Wonder what random strangers look like or noises and such they make while having sex. Everyone literally. People you interact with at work , customers, your boss, the married couple. Except for people who are like dirty looking af. Our just straight up ugly. Then your like grossed out by those thoughts your having and start getting that home sickfeeling in your stomach. Almost like butterflies but like dead ones or something. Hard to explain.

Tear up when I poop

my favorite singer is Bles Bridges 22/07/1947-24/03/2000

Surfing nsfw subreddit at work

I never find things funny unless I'm in a completely silent room, and it is then that I think or see something funny and begin to almost cry of laughter.

My butthole itches, so I fart to scratch it.

Get excited when the captcha says something related to whatever you're posting

I put the volume on my television so it is on any number divisible by five (5-10-15 etc. etc.)

Pretend my life is a videogame.

Counting down on a digital clock, trying to say "0" just as the time changes.

When I see someone with similar hair to mine, I stare at them from behind and try to figure out if that's what I look like from the back.

I always feel like i have to eat something while watching a movie that I've seen so many times.

after brushing my teeth I chew on the granules that are on my teeth

in a grocery store, only walking on the colored single tiles the entire time your in there pretending there small cliffs without touching the white one otherwise you fall and fail.

I use the internet to validate that weirdness is not actually weird at all.

Hide important things in places at home but forget later where you hid them.

Stop at the beginning of an escalator, and let the stairs drag you forward by just your toes.

Think of something really hilarious to put on the internet, read the rest of a post, and then forget what you were going to write.

Hold my pen or pencil with two fingers cued against my palm and two fingers sliding up the pen with my thumb in between them.

Get annoyed when I click on the "popular" button and it's always the same things.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.