fart and talk thinking it will cover the smell

Lay down in bed and close my eyes and pretend that the bed is slowly levitating towards the ceiling. When I open my eyes, the bed is back on the ground.

sometimes *sigh* sometimes I-I-I-I feel like the third or fourth most useless invention! Moral: BUAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA!

Likes that girggle sound you make after a burp.

When you walk across a cross walk and you stretch your steps so it takes one step for each line, yet you still try to look casual because ur in public

Read the time on your watch, then after a few minutes, read it again because you forgot it.

Vigorously scratch my head over a black surface and watch the dandruff fall like snowflakes....then eat it.

When I am at amusement parks I look and determine which guys I could beat up and which I couldn't.

Think that everything you do is life is being recorded by secret cameras and you're on a reality show. But you don't actually know. The Truman Show. -Robert

Spend several minutes to write a comment on a website, only to decide not no submit it after all.

When i see people even strangers , in my mind i wonder if there virgins or not .

Pretend animals talk to you!

Boy:did it hurt? Me: Did what hurt? Boy:When you fell from heaven. Me: I came frome the pits of hell! Boy: Well then...O__O

....you're high and you think you write complete bullshit?

While making yourself something to eat that takes more than 5 minuets to make. Pretending that you have your own show on a cooking station and talk like your talking to the audience the whole time.

Pretending I'm on my cellphone in public.

Before i go to sleep, i imagine all the things i would like to happen in the future, and hoping it comes true or ill dream of it

When theres a sex scene in the movie I like to jack off to see if I would last as long as the man -deadpool (yogurt)

Imagine a little person trapped and about to be crushed in the progress bar.

I was the real Stig...

Learn how to say "I love you" in a different language, just to say it to the person you like and observe their dumbfounded expressions.

When a tooth is very loose,i shake it with my tongue because that pain is relaxing.

Talking to yourself in your head so you don't seem so crazy.

When it is raining and a sad song comes on the radio, I look out the window and pretend I am in a movie. -Cocobear

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.