Somethings thinking: O God, I love this world.

Likes that girggle sound you make after a burp.

Drive slow in straightaways and fast through curves, especially sharp ones.

When I post a picture on a Horsehead Huffer site that I made on Microsoft Paint, and it ends up being one of those that never load, I go back on Paint and save it again. Then I repost it, and it works.

Hate when I can't sleep and the sun starts to come up and I hear birds chirping and i get worried and just realize that I should be happy that it's a new day and to relax.

Spend several minutes to write a comment on a website, only to decide not no submit it after all.

Flush the toilet before you finish peeing

I brush my teeth with the tap on because it sounds weird brushing in silence.

I like asking my wife how her SIMIANS are doing (the sims 4) because its fun watching her try to hide the fact that it annoys her. Nero, now if you thought Moral Man the Friendly neighbourhood r*pist was bad... Well, thumb me down I dare you! Seriously I totally did not have a certain bitch turkish hacker put a tracker on my laptop si I can find out where you live... And pay some guy to break your kneecaps... I only done it twice though... Here on horsehead network :) Third time is a charm ;) NERO: Actually I paid people five times, the fourth did not do his job, so I pay a fifth to FINISH HIM! (Sometimes I think people on craigslist just like to kill for the fun of it, seriously, eighty bucks?)

read on youtube comments with too unlikes

Learn how to say "I love you" in a different language, just to say it to the person you like and observe their dumbfounded expressions.

I don't like being told what I will do or how I will feel.

If someone high fives me on one hand, I need to high five the other one too, or I feel uneven.

get under the covers and curl up into a ball to get warm really fast

Assume that on another planet or galaxy there are people just like humans that look exactly like me. Like an alternate universe.

Sitting down on the toitlet to pee (being a male). It's so comfortable when you're tired. Also: Wonder if there's a female version of this, where girls stand up to take a piss. Just curiosity.

realize that no one is listening to me talk so I say something completely random to try and get there attention

make it a point of interest to know every word to a song that nobody likes. (i.e. call me maybe) >.>

feel like your calculator is judging/making fun of you for looking up simple equations

my solve media says spare is big but it was space is big

Go to someone's house and go and ask where something is and the person you ask just tells you without getting up (I know it doesn't go with the theme of this site but its just something annoying)

not be afraid of hurricane sandy

When I have my headphones in, and I'm miming the words to a song in the bathroom pretending that I'm playing a gig. I put the tap on to make sure no one hears me dancing.

close one eye or the other to move an object near by when I'm bored -Noel

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.