Write a word then wonder if it's spelt with an i or and e so just put them both in but do it in such a way that the person reading it won't know whether you didn't know the spelling or misspelled it then realized your mistake and tried to fix it.

Constantly refreshing the Captcha for fear that It'll be wrong and I have to redo everything I did.

Wish that illegal Mexicans would stop driving drunk without insurance and crashing into legal citizens who pay taxes and insurance leaving us with a debt in medical bills so that we cant afford physical therapy.

I have autofocus in my eyes.

I find that whenever I go somewhere it always seems to take longer than when I come back home

Wish that illegal Mexicans would stop driving drunk and uninsured and killing innocent legal people or injuring them for life and leaving them in medical debt.

I used to be the third most useless invention in the world, and now I am so sad, I mean I lost to a square wheel! Moral: On the bright side, ill never be as useless as Rustin Beaver.

I sometimes look at a guy and wonder how big their dick is.

Tells a joke only you thought was funny and still laughs then laughs harder because your the only one laughing nikki

I DO wish I had the ability of the guy in the comment below me. Moral: Yeah I have to type moral down here, because its awesome and because whatever its awesome!

1. When you're downstairs at night you go upstairs as fast as fucking possible. 2. When you switch volume in TV, the second number has to be 0 or 5.

I am a masculine guy but in private I listen to very sensitive songs. ie: careless wispers

When realizing i'm being a little bitchy, I laugh and smile right after my sentence to make myself seem a little nicer.

Keep things on my body equal. ex. Hold something in my right hand so I hold something equally heavy in my left hand.

When I was younger, I would always try to construct some type of car by using the plastic things from Push-Ups as wheels.

I love the We'll Be Right Back jingle on the Eric Andre show.

When I wipe after taking a poo I always get excited when there is no extra poo to be wiped off...yea...don't judge

I still hum songs that I made up when I was a little kid

Use the 0.3141592653589793238462643383279502884 second rule

fart and then breathe it in really quick hoping no one else smells it first

Look at my poo before I flush it.

I go to the fridge, see that there is nothing I want to eat in it, and then go back to it a minute later hoping that something I like has materialized

Point your finger to the sky When your favorite comes on in the club or on the radio

When reading something on the internet highlighting the words, they don't even have to be what you'r reading just highlighting large sections of the article at random.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.