I'm a man. When I'm watching a movie with my wife and it has a sad ending. I allways have to cry but moments before the actual end has come I allready start to snif my nose so that she thinks I have a cold and do not have to cry about the ending of the movie.

Questioning why they make the Captcha's(spamblocker) SO hard to read

Point your finger to the sky when your favorite song comes on in the club or the radio

Smoking a cigarette on the toilet and then accidentally ashing directly into your panties. Everytime.

walking up steps in the dark and you think you've gotten to the top but there's actually one more step and you panic because you think your going to fall

See how fast and accurate i can use the fast forward on my dvr and applaud myself when i go full speed and stop 2 seconds before the show is back on.

Scroll aimlessly through the posts on this website and for some reason, creepily stop and check the comments on the one that has the word "boobs" in it.

skipping back to the start of the guitar solo over and over so I can pretend I'm playing it

Think something you shouldn't about someone, stop thinking about it in case they read your mind, and then, as an added precaution, think "I know you listening".

Read things from this page and think to self: "Thank God, I thought I was the only one."

I wonder if sport games are rigged?

I never take drinks into smelly places, out of fear that the smell will somehow get into my drink and contaminate the taste.

You always go to the corner of the shower when the cold water is running.

Sometimes when I'm excitedly hurrying out of the house, I skip for a brief moment.

when u get something right and do a victory dance and the person to u is just like "da hell?"

sometimes i poop in my pants and like the smell of my poop. Smells like whatever i just ate.

Only taking half a biscuit because it makes you feel bad and then taking another half of a different biscuit.

Put my finger over one pixel of my digital alarm clock, because I know that's the only one that will change in the next minute. Take it off. MAGIC.

Ask me if an outfit makes you look fat? I'll say VERY!

When I see someones comment has alot of dislikes , I add on to it .

Being fat

HEY! YOU! Yeah you! I can speak you only, NO! Nobody else here! Yeah you only you, by the way you are a dirty piece of s**t you mothe* F**ker! YEAH ITS YOU! I HATE YOU! EVERYBODY HATES YOU YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! *end of special message just for you*

Play poly-rhythmic drum beats along with my turn signal on my car.

I only EVER take my watch off if I need tto put on big gloves, like cricket gloves.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.