when playing games like grand theft auto I drive normally like all the other people in the game when i'm bored

Sick the top of you fingers in your pants when you are doing something that requires one hand, like watching t.v

Sometimes when I'm sitting next to someone I start thinking stuff about him/her, making fun of their clothes in my mind or something. Then I have a feeling that maybe that person can read thoughts and immediately start thinking about something else, and avoid eye contact until one of use leaves

I wonder sometimes if I've ever met my future self.

I refuse to imagine good things happening to me, because if I did, it won't come true and I end up being suck at everything.

Not get any thumb ups on a post. Turns out there really are some things only I do...

start planning Halloween costumes on November first.

When I check into a hotel room I think about the countless number of sex acts that has been performed in there.

When listening to headphones, I automatically start lip syncing the lyrics... But stop doing it when people look at me funny..

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being super bored at shool

When I am walking at night, I see a slight shadow behind me for a second, I walk faster, I see the shadow again, I think it is some kind of scary monster and then I decide to run for my life. When I get back home, I realize the shadow is my shadow.

i talk to myself in the mirror just to see how i look when im talking to somebody else, i even practice faces and my laugh (i should get a life)

Smile like a damn dork when I watch romantic movies.

flushing the toilet eventho not yet finish pee-ing. So that the water sucks it right after the last drop of your pee. Saves 2-3seconds of your life.

When I am in a car i always think there is massive swords coming out the edge of the car and make everything the same length up

Clench your butt super hard to slowly let out a fart thinking no one will know.

Get the feeling that somebody is going to grab your foot when you walk by a bed in the dark...

Music is ALWAYS playing in my head. I can't go a day without noticing that the whole time a song is just burned in my brain, playing over and over. Is this okay? Im pretty sure im the only one...

i feel relived after i prick and see that hard-white thinggy that oozes outside my annoying acne.

When I'm on an escalator going up, I always imagine myself falling back and how incredibly painful (and possibly bloody) it must be.

Sometimes cringe at the sound when other people scratch themselves

Think about my life as a book when I'm in public, for example "I then walked over to my friend to say hello to him."

When I'm on Facebook, I don't like anything in my news feed thats older then 15 minutes or else i'll feel like they think ima creeping on them.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.