wen on this website go look at the most disliked

When going to the bathroom, lock it and when trying to unlock and don't succeed immediately... ITS A TRAP! I'M LOCKED IN MY OWN BATHROOM!!

Stare blankly at your desktop when someone walks in the room so they won't know that you were watching porn lol

You pretend to fight imaginary people while no ones looking:/ But you look like the star wars kid...

Legally changing your name to Peter Jankins just cuz

when being in the bathroom at night, avoid looking in the mirror

eat the muffin bottom because it isn't as good as the top and i want to get it over with

strawberry flavored hemorrhoid cream

Call out the mistakes I see drivers make in front of me.

I don't leave the toilet in a public restroom until the other person leaves, so I don't have to make awkward eye contact.

I would try to make my pencil shavings as long as possible.

Poop naked.

Having gay sex

When walking into a smelly bathroom, hold your breath so you don't have to breathe in the poo air.

Look at the time but have to look again 3 seconds later because you forgot.

When at someone else's house, trying to use the bathroom, keep a very close eye on the door just to make sure nobody's gonna walk in on you...

Thinking you can do parkour even when you cant and the have a friend over and try to show off

Go to the same website two days in a row and then never again after that

Laughing at a joke that you dont think is funny but everybody else does

Pick out an object ahead of me on the footpath and guess which foot will step closest to it

Pee in the garbage at night when I don't want to wake the whole house up.

Questioning why they make the Captcha's(spamblocker) SO hard to read

I have walked into a sliding glass door

You know how there is that sound that gives you the shiver? Whenever you here it you shiver and tell that sound maker to shut up, but then can't stop thinking about that sound and find people looking at you and saying "Is it really that cold?" And then you stop thinking about the sound. P.S. I would like to say I have never relized how weird I am! This site has revealed my inner weirdness! -Astrid

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.