I want to trade bodies and thought processes with my crush, so we could understand each other better.

Cheak the fridge every 5 minuets waiting for food to just "magicly" appear

whenever I use a public stall I pretend Im not there to avoid unwanted attention

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> Minecraftcodes.info <

Think of someone you love while trying to fall asleep.

When you are thinking, and you think about what you are thinking. You are automatically purposely thinking until you stop thinking about it. I am thinking about thinking about how I think right now. I think...

Think about breathing...

trip over nothing. break into spontaneous dancing.

make mini paper airoplanes in boring lessons and pretend you are flying them

pluck dried pieces of poop in your butt hair

when you hear "tartar sauce" you think that it's actually made from tartar -MATT

Whenever I fall over I always seem to think coherently throughout the fall about what can I do to make this less painful

My parents are annoying.

When something weird happens I nod in agreement.

When ever my boyfriend doesn't reply to a text for a few hours I always imagine a worse case scenario and end up crying hystaricaly.

Sorry I posted last comment 3 times. And it is best ever not beat ever.

Listen to song and think of a great montage that would go with it.

I hum the MLP:FIM theme and hope no one recognizes the tune.

Rubbing your scalp and watching your dandruff fall like snowflakes

I chew around the center of carrots.

if something stands for something, i come up with my own version of it.

oh snap, i got a boner. hope nobody notices

taking a shit while brushing my teeth.

I have minions that do what I want because pleasing me makes them happy. Moral: I control, the way you move, how do you like my grove zerg dude?

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.