when you pick up something you think is going to be heavy and its like you suddenly have super strength

When you are almost crying while laughing in a silent area, you have to think terrible thoughts just to get rid of the laughing.

Make calculations with house number. Eg: House nº 112 means house nº 4

look at bins as i walk past them

when looking at a reflection of myself, i try to do it as fast as i can before the reflection does something i didnt

Tap my fingers really rapidly when I'm annoyed, stressed out, fed up or angry.

Something that bothers me is when a movie sequel comes out and for whatever reason the same things from the first movie happens so they just end up making the same movie

i see almost everything as a sign

chew on the side of my teeth

Think that If I leave a big knife out on the counter- or a pair of tights/belt/scarf out in view, I believe that ultimately someone will break in and kill me via the aforementioned items.................and I will only have myself to blame.

Scratch inside my ear, then lick the finger I used.

I am such a coward. When I'm going to have an argument or complain to someone, I think of the beat ever retort, but when it comes down to it I say "why are you so mean" or " why don't you just leave me alone for once" or something like that. ( Yes I get picked on, cos I'm the smartest in our class)

imagine shooting lasers out from the car and bouncing them of walls and back to the car

Feeling very uncomfortable for days, untill your motivation finally reaches that point when you start learning for the exam.

Being all alone in your house and your mind starts to believe its haunted.

Click my teeth from side to side at the beat of songs

I always have trouble leaving a airplanes lavatory I never get the door open

I feel no shame that I am a camgirl online and bring in about $2800 a month just to flash guys my boobs. :)

When you Sitting on the couch and say "I am hungry" but then don't do anything because you are too lazy.

Sometimes I forget that there are spiders in my bedroom, so after I've seen one I can't sleep for several days for fear that they'll eat me if I do. Then I forget about them again and thus the cycle starts.

Being able to think about great ideas for the world, but not being able to get a math problem done.

Pretend to listen to music, but just do it so nobody talks to me or i simply just ignore them.

Sometimes I have something I want to do and then walk into the room to do it in and forget exactly what I was trying to do, it usually involves the kitchen so I just look in the refrigerator then leave and then remember what it is I wanted to do.

Sometimes when you're at work and you're REALLY horny, you look around at the women you work with and think who you really would like to bone, then on another particular day when you aren't horny, you see the same women and think to yourself " I must have REALLY been horny. What was I thinking?" lol (not trying to be gross, but honestly, who doesn't get horny while at work sometimes)

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.