Before going to bed look around the dark room and when you see something suspicious you have a look to see its not a person

When I'm walking along and just trip over my own foot I look back and pretend to look at whatever it was I tripped over.

Make odd grunting noises and sighs of relief while going #2.

Watch the same movies over and over

Drum on the chair between your legs and wonder if people think that you're playing with yourself.

the power to regenerate your appendix

I sometimes feel like I am the only one like me in this world

Sometimes I wonder if I'm actually in a coma and that everything is just a dream and my parents are standing over me watching me and wishing their daughter was awake

Pass wind after i ate lasagna.

Singing alone in the car and then stopping, scared that there is an audio recorder in the car recording you singing.

If I'm in the car looking for an address or a street name I'll turn down the radio. Why?

If I'm alone, I'll imagine myself as somebody else an start acting as if I'm in a different life, complete with different people and places because in my imagination, I get to control what is going to happen next. Because, my imagination is way better than my reality.

when you wave at a car thinking its someone you know and it ends up being some old lady.

Drink alcohol out of styrofoam soda cups on the bus and train.

I always paranoidly think that someone else might see what I see through my eyes he can't hear what I hear and he can't smell what I smell he can only see and if I close my eyes he falls asleep automatically I try to avoid thinking this but that's impossible

When you accidentally like get something on your hand so you go to wash it off but feel compelled to wash your other hand too even if it's not dirty

whenever i'm talking about someone, i constantly check my phone to make sure i haven't butt-dialed them and they're listening to everything i'm saying about them!

It's hot but I still have on covers

When listening to a song with headphones or on the radio i sing the harmonies or make them while they sing the lead

smile when you find out that the things you only do is right.

the time where you sit behind a person that smells like BO badly!!!

.don't like something because being scared that it appears on my wall.

send a text to some one and act like you "meant" to send it to someone else.

trip over nothing. break into spontaneous dancing.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.