Listening to my iPod with other people walking by me or sitting near me and feeling mysterious and cool.

I don't use my car air conditioning because I think it's wasteful and it might "run-out" when I'm REALLY, REALLY hot.

Can't stop tears from comeing to your eyes when singing

Imagining how it would feel to switch bodies with your crush

Search through the most popular section of this website trying to find my one

Putting salt on dry toast, yum!

watch old shows I used to watch when I was younger

Hum up and down in pitch because it makes LED displays dance around.

When I'm walking on pavement or tiles I always make patterns, e.g stepping on every second tile, stepping a certain amount of times on each bit of pavement

Whenever I go to close the door to my room, I give the wall opposite me a hard, intimidating stare just in case an invisible person was watching me.


When I'm in a car and I hear a song on the radio, I always imagine myself performing it perfectly in front of a crowd even though I know I'd never be able to do that. I've done this since I was very young and still do.

sometimes when i fart i feel like i pooped a little in my underwear but tell myself ''no i didn't'' but feel poopy until i check.

I stick used soap to a new soap so I don't waste it.

There's this reassuring voice in my head. She's almost like a mother, telling me that it'll be alright and that I have things to do.

Whenever I get sweaty I put baby powder around my groin area and under arms. Ramos

When people are walking behind me I automatically think they are staring at my ass and get self-conscious.

the power to regenerate your appendix

Get excited when your friends think your favorite song is cool.

Listening to more obscure music in a public place and turning it up in hopes that someone will ask you what you're listening to and you can tell them about it/open their minds.

If I'm alone, I'll imagine myself as somebody else an start acting as if I'm in a different life, complete with different people and places because in my imagination, I get to control what is going to happen next. Because, my imagination is way better than my reality.

I sit on the toilet and pretend to tell someone about how awesome my life is when it isn't.

Whenever I go to the toilet on an airplane I worry that during the time I'm there the plane will drop out the sky.

I think Lois Griffin on Family Guy is hot!

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.