Sleep with one leg on top of the covers and the rest of your body under them.

put the volume on the TV as an even number, and feeling uncomfortable if it's on an odd number

Sometimes I put on my running shoes to make myself feel like I worked out but I really didn't.

We keep a spare key hidden outside somewhere in case we are locked out

sometimes i close my eyes and i rub them to see psychedelic drawings

When I hear a sound that I don't know what is, while I'm in an unfamiliar place, I wipe off and then touch as many surfaces as possible. It makes me think that if I'm taken by some scary person, my fingerprints will be easily found. I'm not sure why that would help in many cases, but it makes me feel better.

When I hear a sound that I don't know what is, while I'm in an unfamiliar place, I wipe off and then touch as many surfaces as possible. It makes me think that if I'm taken by some scary person, my fingerprints will be easily found. I'm not sure why that would help in many cases, but it makes me feel better.

I'm in computer class at school right now. I'm supposed to be making up for incomplete assignments. But I have been on Things only you think you do, Funny Exams, DIY Fail, Pointless Super powers, Explain this image, and Perfectly Time Photos all class class period. I just noticed these websites aren't blocked at school.

I always feel a little twinge of regret when I see "I have read and agree to the Terms of Service," because I know it's a lie.

Clenching my fists, imagining I have wolverine claws coming out of my knuckles

When I am bored, I imagine saving my crush' s life and we live happily ever after. :( what an idiot I am

I wonder if things are there because I see it and if I was not there to see it would it disappear?

When writing out something in the air, you mess up so you "wipe" out the mistake and then move to another piece of air because it's "cleaner".

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> <

When im blazed i like of all the stupid shit i did that day but always tell myself "its fine, i didnt feel dumb about those things sober"

Get turned on when you see a girl yawn

sniff my armpit when somebody says someone stinks and shouts NOT ME lol

Pick scabs and eat them.. and when i start bleeding suck the blood up with my mouth...

Whenever I walk through automatic doors I say "Thank You"

You see someone do something cool and imagine doing it in front of all your friends

When I post something on this site, I always do the thumb up at my own post.

On true/false sections of tests, I get paranoid if there are not the same amount of trues and falses.

I stick one foot out of my blanket so I'm not hot or cold.

humiliating little girls

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.