When driving along in the car, imagining crashing and another car coming into you and the repercussions of it all.

When you're all alone, practice for an interview you're bound to have when you're rich and famous and say other people's responses when they are asked about working with you.

"Hey, did you see that new episode last night?" "Yeah!" "Do you remember that part when he ran through the city?" "Yeah!" LIES

Wait until my friends are done eating lunch so I don't have to dump my tray alone.

I sometimes wonder if im a baby and my whole life is just a big dream

getting furius wen ppl hav bad speling n grammer

Stare off into space in the middle of a conversation

Have a dream that you can breath under water and wake up and be very disappointed

Things I did when I was little: Slowly close the fridge door to see the light go out before it is closed all of the way. Put the light switch in between "OFF" and "ON". Walked in to a room and forgot why, walked out then remembered. (STILL DO!) Drew the sun in the corner of the paper. Put a flashlight in your mouth to see yourself, "blush".

when you can't think of anything to type you just type random letters. a;lsdfj;ldfkjsfasdfljf

Whenever I'm outside playing a sport or something I pretend I have a tv show and I'm giving the audience a tutorial on how to do whatever I'm doing.

Walking around store and store clerk asks are you finding everything ok..and you reply yes and you...

think about what im gonna say abillon times in my head before i say it -jesse

instinctively thumb down long posts without reading them.

Pee in the shower.

I never look out the window at night because I'm afraid there will be an Alien staring at me when I move the curtains.

i cannot watch horror films that have blood in it for fear of nightmares

Waking up @ 4 AM wondering where your pillow went

Shit in the shower and pushing it down the drain with your feet

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> Minecraftcodes.info <

I keep tearing the little piece of skin next to my thumb nail until it hurts - and even if it bleeds I have to get it off.

I mustn't step on the cracks in the pavement

When I wear a backpack I constantly check to make sure all the pockets are zipped

i randomly grab my boobs when i'm home alone. like, all the time.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.