When tapping, I always have to do the same pattern of taps, and I feel incomplete if I don't finish the pattern I started.

I very carefully smell what I'm about to eat before I eat it, but I'd most likely eat it, even if I hadn't smelled it first.

When something weird happens I nod in agreement.

wait til the last second to stop the microwave before it dings

I like to watch online videos of people and pause the video mid sentence to see the faces they make frozen mid speech

always check thde back seat before starting the car

When I piss in the toilet (naw, naw in the microwave, god) I try to pee on one side so the bubbles spin around the flush to see if it keeps spinning

Post one on this site thinking everyone will love you but then you realize you're the 2,833 person to post on this site and no one will ever see it. If this is still where it was when I posted it, then congratulations! You've read through 300 FUCKING PAGES! (that meant go get a job)

Never tell her who I was talking to on the phone and watch her nosy butt get upset

Drink alcohol out of styrofoam soda cups on the bus and train.

Show desktop when mom or dad walks in.

When I go to the bathroom I put toilet paper over my penis and pretend its a ghost

Going to a friends house for the weekend, coming home and checking the fridge/pantry for new foods.

that movie-like moment when you want to rush out to dance in the rain

Look at the least popular comments just out of interest

When at Burger King, McDonalds etc. I always finish the drink before the food so that I still have the taste of the food in my mouth when I'm finished.

When I'm hungry I look in the fridge, but there's nothing good to eat so I shut the door and walk away. Then I look in the fridge again 10 seconds later in the hope that new food has arrived Robbie

I always cry when I pray.

I peel tiny strings off of cheese sticks because it's more fun and tastes better.

Like a toy until it breaks.

Make up a song to yourself.

When texting someone on the toilet & they ask, "What are you doing?" I respond with, "Oh, just chillin." LOL. -Jade

When you are taking a test or anywhere , you remember something funny and you laugh randomly looking like a dumbass then pretend to cough.

jump down the stairs when im almost down to save time

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.