When i'm eating small, colored foods like skittles or gummies, i have to have one on each side of my mouth so one side doesn't feel happier than the other and they have to be different colors.

I was not born in the country I am living in now

Moving my bottom jaw around slightly makes me feel like I have dog-like ears and I'm moving them around.

In the car and sad song comes on you look out the window and pretend your in a movie.

Try to move your head to line up specks on the windshield with objects outside.

I just saw the D in Disney for the first time ever. My brain always saw a backwards G. I knew it was supposed to be a D, I just never bothered to fix it. There has been a G there my whole life.

Go into a shop that you thought would have some interesting things, but when you find that it dosn't, you quickly browse the shop for a bit so that you don't offend the cashier by entering and leaving immediately.

When no one's looking, I run up stairs on hands and feet.

Hate when people ask "do you have a bathroom?" It's like "no we crap in the yard!"

When I wear a backpack I constantly check to make sure all the pockets are zipped

I think about all of the things of mine people will find if something happens to me

put your hands in your bra or pants to keep them warm when you're not in public.

Tally mark everytime I take a shit.

Thinking that out there, on this earth in a lost city, there is an awesome clone of you.

My hands are always so cold and clamy at school, when I go on dates, and when im with friends. But, of course, when im at home, they.are.normal. :l

after having a hot shower I sometimes just sit in my room wearing just a towel

Someone asks a question and you say "what?" and then answer them because you actually heard but didn't realize it.

When you can feel yourself blushing so you pretend to be preoccupied with something else.

I like to have a picture of my crush on my computer screen, and will walk around a room while he 'looks at me'.

Sleep with pillow between legs

when someone is talking about something i have no idea of and then asked me if i agree I'm like: oh yes! and then promptly changing subject so they won't find out

I can't leave the volume on anything on a odd number.

I scrape the scum off my teeth with my fingernail and then I eat it.

Stand really close to the mirror and look myself in the eyes. Try to scare myself or make a really fast movement, hoping my reflection can't keep up.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.