avoid using ketchup and mayo since they make everything taste like um... ketchup and mayo... which is kind of boring

I pee on the bathroom sink everytime, because I am lazy to open the toilet, even when I visit other people, sorry friends and family =)

Whenever I drop food on the floor I get my dog to come clean it for me

Go on this site to feel normal.

Put the towel near the shower so that you can stand on it and not get the floor wet

Go outside to meet a friend but he cancelled so you stay in your garage so your parents don't know you're there

Look an ugly person up and down and try to think of ways that they can improve how they look. ( clothing, hair, and makeup)

Avoid eating at parties to look as though you're not hungry

Go to the same website two days in a row and then never again after that

When I dont feel like sweeping I sweep the stuff under the fridge or something

When I go to use my laptop if my cat is sleeping in my chair I would use it somewhere else and leave her alone.

I Never read the Terms of Service but click the box anyway .

When in a public bathroom stall and having to take a number 2 i wait until there is nobody else in there to let it go and also exit the stall.

When in class , I move alot in my chair when my butt itches .

Turn the door knob while closing the door ...so it doesn't make a loud noise.

Drool a lil bit and continue eating...

Right before I go to the dentist I brush my teeth.

when baking cookies I eat waaayyy too much of the dough, to the point that I don't even want any of the cookies when I am finished baking them.

Accidentally scratching a surface and then scratching it again with the tops of your fingernails to even it out.

I often try to visualise and merge my faces with various girls i could potentially fall for, just to assess how our future children would look like.

sitting in the passenger seat of the car, move my head around gently to guide a piece of dirt on the window in the foreground around the obstacle course of trees, streetlights etc in the background. Also, imagine my eyes are projecting lasers which cut through anything and carve the passing world up to my design.

When I am driving and I see another car being pulled over I think "Oh, so I am not the only one"

looking at the last page of thingsyouthinkonlyyoudo.com to see how weird some people are...

Realising that there are ASSHOLES posting dumb shit on this site.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.