sometimes i feel like the person i look at in the mirror is not my own reflection

Feel the bed gets more comfortable the longer you put off getting into bed.

When I touch something with one hand I have to touch it with the other in the same way just to be fair to both hands

Having an OCD moment when the number of questions on a test is not a multiple of 5. I mean, who puts 47 questions on a test?! Or 53? English and Math teachers rarely do this but it's always the Histoy ones...

When I'm watching an episode of a show that I've seen before with a friend, I say a part that is coming up ahead and act like I guessed.

When taking a shower, and standing in the opposite direction where the water is coming fromY

Before I go to bed I have to put one of my hands between my knees in order to warm up and get comfy.

While I am busy working I like to have music playing and while I type I type to the song and its beat

Vote for the other guy

Had a dream within a dream, just like Inception. You woke up and it felt so real you were sure of it. Then a bit later you wake up again.

Forgets something then walks into the room to get it then forgets what you forgot nikki

feel legitimately bad for Wile E Coyote whenever he does not get the road runner

When tapping, I always have to do the same pattern of taps, and I feel incomplete if I don't finish the pattern I started.

Change my music to something cooler than the song im listening to when i pass by other kids my age

Pee extra hard in a urinal when there's someone else in the bathroom so you don't seem weak

give speeches in the sower for random awards you will never receive.

When i wake up from a good dream, i close my eyes and imagine the ending in different ways.

Inspect the mirrors in store changing rooms in case they are one-way glass. Make faces into mirror as if you know they're back there.

When I look at a digital clock, i try to rearrange the number to make them a math equation

I flush the toilet if the water's green and I'm going to have a poo, so it doesn't splash me.

Poking your eye to see the black circle at the corner of your eye

Think what would I be doing if I was someone else

When I meet someone random, and have a small conversation, and then when they leave, I feel sad because I think I am never going to see them again.

Eat my shed skin from a sunburn

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.