Find yourself alone at a party/gathering of some sort... Pretend to send a text to make people think you're not a loner.

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> <

Read weird posts like this one on the HorseHead Network.

Doing something really embarrassing in public and thinking "Doesn't matter, I'll never see these people again.".

wonder y nobody facebook likes or comments on these

before i go to sleep i must check the front door knob multiple times to make sure its locked

When I'm watching an episode of a show that I've seen before with a friend, I say a part that is coming up ahead and act like I guessed.

Sitting on a table at school and looking at the things u only think i do website

I always have to watch the credits of a movie even, though everyone else has left the theatre and there are people cleaning up the seats, which makes me think, they think i'm crazy.

I have to make a breathing hole for fresh air to come in when I am laying under a hot blanket.

if i put my shirt on backwards, instead of taking my shirt off and putting it on right, i pull my arms in and just spin my shirt.

I talk to myself while playing games so I don't feel lonley!

Dutch oven myself when I'm lying in bed trying to sleep

Every time you use a vending machine you hope you get lucky and 2 things drop down.

I cover the mirror on my bedroom door with a sheet at night, because I think the shadows casted in the mirror are gonna get me.

Do math in ur head at night to help you fall asleep.

I have never watched Star Wars.

I scratch the scabs on my head whenever im bored

When writing out something in the air, you mess up so you "wipe" out the mistake and then move to another piece of air because it's "cleaner".

Trace the letters on the front of your textbooks with your finger.

When you walk across a cross walk and you stretch your steps so it takes one step for each line, yet you still try to look casual because ur in public

When you're chatting with a friend while you're walking around and not really paying attention then you turn around to took at your friend and you realise you've been talking to someone you don't even know the entire time.

rub the underside of your ear lobe to smell the odd smell.

When I take a shower, I screw with my iPod for a half an hour "Waiting for the water to warm up".

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.