Every time I see my self in a mirror, I feel like I'm watching someone in a different dimension and make quick movements to see if they mess up.

I poop on the side of my house in the morning so I do not have to make noise then come back in.

Smell your hands to see if there dirty.

If I'm walking in the mall and realize I'm going in the wrong direction, I can't just double back, 'cause everyone would think I'm dumb for going in the wrong direction. Instead, I perform a slow U-turn to the other side of the walkway; either that or pretend to get an important text/phone call that forces me to do the quick turnaround. SAVE!

Agree with someones ridiculous political opinion just to avoid an argument.

Awkward moment... Pretend to send a text.

every bite i have of a sandwich, i need to have a sip of a flavored drink to "soften the bread and make it taste good".

when singing to music on my ipod, i sometimes pause the music to hear how loud I am singing.

When someome asks you a question and you can't hear them so you say, "what?", then they say it again and you miss it so you just nod your head and say "yeah".

Never write LOL on a text message, because you don't want to sound too extreme

I sometimes deliberately missed buses and trains even if I could easily board them.

I plant my feet firmly when the subway approaches in case a random stranger tries to kill me by pushing me in front of the train.

When I'm at home alone, I feel like people are watching me through my windows, so I act completely civil.

I piss in the bed every night

I have always belived that I invented calling Target " Tar- jhay"

When I watch porn,I sometimes pause the video and start looking something random. e.g. an unrelated article on Wikipedia.

When in the shower dread putting the shower gel on you chest as it is freezing!!!

trying to look cool when you're driving past other cars.

Wondering where are famous people and what they are doing at this exact moment.

When I go to bed, I imagine how I would deal with intruders, then I can't sleep.

When im blazed i like of all the stupid shit i did that day but always tell myself "its fine, i didnt feel dumb about those things sober"

log out of any social network sites so that when im on a website it doesnt somehow send messages to my profile

Hate Skydoesminecraft.

Read something strange and funny that you don't actually do, then say: "whaat?" And lough and everyone around you just look at you not knowing why you're talking to yourself an laughing.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.