Go outside and pee.

Look at the least popular comments just out of interest

Hate when people ask "do you have a bathroom?" It's like "no we crap in the yard!"

I pick at my cuticles when I'm bored.

I eat spoons of dry hot chocolate powder when nobody is around.

Realizes there is less toilet paper than first thought. Hobbles across bathroom to find more. Failure. Take shower.

When I'm peeing in the urinal, I aim to the side so it doesn't deflect back on me.

Reading the terms of service :O....

When standing in long lines (stores, banks etc..) I think about how other people would react if I puked all over the place with no warning.

Get creeped out at seeing 11:34 at least once per day. The number even turns up everywhere in my life such as my jewelry store.

feed a gecko worms every day, not the good worms though...

When I'm fighting with someone and I've ran out of good points, I just start making random noises.

Shake my hands frantically back and forth when watching the microwave count down or the printer print, as if it will make them go faster.

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When I eat M&Ms, Skittles or Froot Loops, I always make sure to leave one of every color for the end so I could eat them all at once. #rainbowinmymouth

Stop at traffic lights thinking it will close soon, when actually remains only 5s to close second and u run like crazy.

I really like the day I was born even though there is nothing special about it like Dec 25 or May 20 (Christmas or Independence day)

I feel like my blanket is an indestructible shield against any monsters that might try to get me at night. If any part of you is out of the covers, you're screwed. lol -ML

While spending the night drinking with my spouse at home, i put a diaper on so i don't have to go to the bathroom every 5 minutes. I also change it for a fresh one when i go to bed.

Find it impossible to get rid of the itch on the bottom of my feet or my palms when they're itchy

Text random people saying I'm pregnant

never wanting to poop in other houses. You have to use your toilet

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feel disappointed when i find out that a p0rn scene is just the actor's dream or imagination.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.