Eat or drink something tpretending it's some sort of fuel that'll give you powers.

I can only brush my teeth at exactly 7:43 AM...Am I weird?

worry about getting a little butt sweat mark on a chair if you've been sitting in it too long while its hot.

Comment on here and wait a few days and see if I got some likes . CMOOON , You do it .

wake up in the middle of the night and write your dream if you like it. Or just write all night and dont sleep all night for days at a time.

Every once in a while I think 'I know you're reading my mind...' and look about the classroom. See if anyone looks at me.

Telling yourself that starting tomorrow you will start to exercise and eat better, but never doing it.

I am always SO sure the metal detector or store alarms will go off when I walk through them. –Ikka

See a sexy girl, wanna go up and talk to her....cant think of anything cool to say and afraid of denial. Just me?

think that the NSA is always watching what you do online at any time you are even connected.

Playing with your phone or remote throwinng it up and down until it hits your face

If im eating food i shouldnt and i dont want anybody to know i jump if anyone comes in and catches me.

I always save a bite of my favorite food for last so that is the taste I have in my mouth when the meal is over.


pluck dried pieces of poop in your butt hair

in a grocery store, only walking on the colored single tiles the entire time your in there pretending there small cliffs without touching the white one otherwise you fall and fail.

I love myself, my wife, the threesomes, and I STILL spend time with you! Moral: Which must mean YOURE WINNER! AND STUFF! Either that or you are a sad fuck, cant argue...

Sometimes I walk around my house with my eyes closed and pretend I'm blind.

Walking down stairs. Accidently miss last step. Feel like you're going to die.

When walking on an old looking bridge I try to get off quickly and before anyone else gets on there because all I can think about is it giving way and me falling to my death/being very wet

I use two pillows as I sleep, but I don't put them under my head, I put my head in between them.

Every time I miss a gree light by just a couple seconds, I think to myself, "Maybe if I had made that light an out of control semi would be slamming into my car right at this moment." Thank you red light.

I wonder if sport games are rigged?

There's this reassuring voice in my head. She's almost like a mother, telling me that it'll be alright and that I have things to do.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.