expecting to get on this website to find something funny but instead finding crappy posts.

Get extremly pissed off when everyone on youtube thinks that only guys use the website and call you "dude" , "bro" or "sir" when they respond to a comment you posted -_-

refuse to like a post because the number is too perfect and you don't want to screw it up

Whatever situation I am in, I always start to invent rhythms with everything i have around, e.g. my legs, voice, tables or sometimes even the ground.

Cuss my ass off in the morning - jd

Play Minecraft

disgusted by people that are obsessed with poo and pee

Think that If I leave a big knife out on the counter- or a pair of tights/belt/scarf out in view, I believe that ultimately someone will break in and kill me via the aforementioned items.................and I will only have myself to blame.

Say "Up and Down" for "Left or Right"

When on a long car ride, i tend to look out the window and imagine that i am running on the side of the car and doing flips and other types of parkour to keep up with my car...

When I'm waiting for someone who is late. I go-over in my head how I'm going to greet them. For example "Well, it's about damn time", or "Finally!".

Wipe drink can with shirt after someone (mainly father) has had a sip.

Sometimes, I skim through the Terms of Service just to make sure I'm not selling my soul or promising my first-born.

Sometimes, I have a hard time looking people I know in the eyes but have no trouble looking strangers in the eyes. I wish I knew why. Help!

When I'm watching something interesting on TV, sometimes i realize they I'm making a weird face so i make sure that i make my face go back to its normal position. This way, my face won't get stuck like that

If its dark and you have to go with rhe stairs i do that running because i tink somebody is behind my

When an ice cube fall on the floor I kick it under the fridge.

Whenever I hear someones name being announced on a p.a., in a store for example....I say out loud 'never heard of him/her'

When I check into a hotel room I think about the countless number of sex acts that has been performed in there.

I wonder if old women enjoy sex?

Whenever I'm scared at night in my room I turn on music. Because the music will keep away people trying to get me. Obviously.

I get mad at women because they menstruate and that's gross. I don't judge one woman individually for it, but I'm disgusted with the whole gender, which leads to being almost disgusted with myself for being attracted to them.

strt thinking about something spinning, then cant stop no matter how hard you try.

check for spiders under the toilet seat before taking a dump

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.