Wonder if certain people can read my mind... start thinking weird stuff and try to stop.

When you're walking along at night and you see the moon, then you move around quickly,still looking at it as if you're controlling it.

Turn volume down on iPod or tv, then turn up one bar to make it seem like it's still loud.

When I'm in a car and I hear a song on the radio, I always imagine myself performing it perfectly in front of a crowd even though I know I'd never be able to do that. I've done this since I was very young and still do.

I feel that there is something sinister going on in government

if something stands for something, i come up with my own version of it.

I sometimes wonder what my past self would do differently if it knew what would be going on now

Fantasize a situation that turns you into a person with superpowers or something.

When the toilet paper falls to the floor, I quickly roll it again so nobody notices it.

only feel the need to click one of the related sites that draws you after youve clicked 'next page'

When I'm trying to sleep and my mind's like, "Hey, know what's a good movie? Paranormal Activity!" Then I can't sleep for an hour - Brayden Everes

I feel like people next to me can read my mind so if I start thinking about something sexual it feels super awkward

In elementary school whenever it was supposed to be mental math I never did it mentally.

Say what even when u heard someone

Tough but loving hands!! Mmm them calluses tho!! ^_^

Go for a 10 mile run.

Courtesy flush.

I apologize, when i bump against things.

When I'm walking I look up at nothing in particular and it causes everyone else to look up too!

Make sure I put the deodorant top back on the correct way -- you know, so the sticker is to the front.

sometimes I get so bored watching tv that I have an incredible urge to throw the remote at the tv. I would never do it, but I always fear I might and break the tv.

When I wake up after having a good dream I try to remember it but I don't

Does anyone else look at people when there talking and then randomly get in on there conversation.

push a fart out really slow so you think nobody will hear it

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.