I can't trill my R's

Use reverse psychology on the rain to make it slow down or speed up.

Whenever I go to close the door to my room, I give the wall opposite me a hard, intimidating stare just in case an invisible person was watching me.

i can't watch the t.v. unless the volume ends in a 0 or 5

eat the muffin bottom because it isn't as good as the top and i want to get it over with

Getting over excited when you hear a song you like on the radio, even though you have it on your Ipod and can listen to it whenever you want.

Thinking about life as if its just a dream and wondeing if one day your just going to wake up and be like " wtf just happend".....

When I see someone who is clearly wealthy, I think to myself "I could do it better than you..."

I was the real Stig...

I hold my boobs if I'm running upstairs and not wearing a bra.

Put ear buds in nose, open mouth, instant speaker. If you don't do it try it.

Sometimes I imagine what it would look like if I was seeing out of another person's eyes across from where I happen to be.

When I remember something embarrassing I did or even something someone else did, I will yell random words. It started just with gasping but now I have like 5 words that I'll say randomly. It's evolved to include stressful or disturbing thoughts and not just embarrassing things. I have a pretty stressful life so I'm basically continuously making random sounds then looking around terrified that someone's heard.

always get sports injuries, never get any attention from them

Make a weird face when taking a picture with a friend, never see the picture, so you try to remake the face you did in a mirror to see how stupid you looked...

when im in a public toilet and my freinds outside i make loud converstation with them so they cant hear me pee.

Thinking ambient thoughts while fondling myself into a semi hard-on.

touching something (like a crack in a wall) and then thinking to yourself that your the only person thats ever touched it..

When I'm in the shower I condition my pubes so they get nice and soft.

When watching television, I give people I don't like the finger

I read your stuff at the interwebs and think "sons, I am disappoint" Moral: Lol, I just might be your father you know... But that does not mean you disappoint me anymore, I kinda expect your worst? Best? I mean... Are you doing your worst on purpose? WOW!

I feel strange when I look at someone and think ''This person has had sex''

Download a new app, and say to myself I'll never stop playing it. Play it for 2 hours and forget about it.

When i feel the back of my right hand starting to itch. in a few days, i get some money. When the back of my left hand itches.Some money goes.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.