I imagine myself dying in the worst possible way more than once a day. I don't know...today, I was driving on a bridge and all I could picture was it collapsing and falling onto me, When I'm lying in bed, I imagine my ceiling fan toppling me.

When In the car, use th bug guts to ramp up all of the culverts and when you don't have a landing for a while, pretend that you got a speed bonus and are soaring with some amazing air.-dillon

When you don't have enough money for something, you just take a tiny bit of money from your siblings and parents room at a time so they don't notice any different

When in a room by myself and I hear someone coming to walk into the room I'm in, I feel an overwhelming urge to hide behind the door so they don't see me first.

tell everyone that you think that mcdonalds is unhealthy and that you think there food is nasty but in reality you actually love it.

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> Minecraftcodes.info <

I want to hire a private investigator to follow a private investigator who was hired to follow the first investigator.

I read the down voted posts

I would try to make my pencil shavings as long as possible.

I read your stuff at the interwebs and think "sons, I am disappoint" Moral: Lol, I just might be your father you know... But that does not mean you disappoint me anymore, I kinda expect your worst? Best? I mean... Are you doing your worst on purpose? WOW!

Think about awesome stuff that you could do (e.g beating up someone who steals your gf's purse or something) when listening to music

Wasting a whole bunch of time trying to find how to make one and realizing it was at the top and that you forgot what you were going to put in the first place.

Totally piss myself off by thinking of future confrontations that probably won't happen.

Having gay sex

When I was little I used to cover myself all the way up and put pillows around me, then ask my sister if she could see me, trying to be invisible when I sleep just in case someone breaks into my house at night.

sometimes when i see a cop cruising around i try and act suspicious to see if they pull me over.

Change my name on Siri on iPhone to something hillarius and make it say my name

Put things in the front of the dishwasher 1st cause im to lazy to pull the whole thing out to put anything in the back or the right place.

sitting in the passenger seat of the car, move my head around gently to guide a piece of dirt on the window in the foreground around the obstacle course of trees, streetlights etc in the background. Also, imagine my eyes are projecting lasers which cut through anything and carve the passing world up to my design.

When I'm over at my friends house and they get in a fight with their sibling, I just pet their dog.

Thinking our singing voices are amazing, until we record it and play it back.

click your pen off of your desk and make it hop in the air


after ive done something, or experienced something. when i think back on the days events, i think to myself. "i think ive done that before somewere". i must have a boring existance. its always de ja vu with me.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.