Whenever I'm home alone, I dance and sing along to any commercial.

Before I meet someone I've never met before, I think of stuff to say or do to prevent it from being awkward, but when I finally meet them I do none of the things I thought about doing.

Not knowing whether to change it or not on a scantron test when the same letter appears more than 3 times in a row: A D C C C C .....but all the of my answers make sense!

Laugh harder when trying to explain what you are laughing about

being a mid-teenager, never having a relationship before and don't care at all.

watch raindrops race down a window and see which one wins

I rape small children ;).

not eating the ends of a hotdog.

I like to watch people and imagine different stories that could explain why they're doing whatever it is that their doing.

When i go into a public toilet and one of the cubical doors is slightly shut, I will be really quiet or slightly push the door to see if anyone is in there.

When I'm in the shower, you think of arguments that can occur, then think of good comebacks to say to your opponent. And when it actually does happen in real life, you don't have the courage to say it.

Pronounce hors d'oeuvres 'horse-dev-ers' thinking I'm so witty.

I don't cut a conversation on the phone short just because I have to use the "facilities". I've mastered the art of being as far away from the toilet while flushing and sprinting out of the bathroom.

use tweezers to pull out leg hair or armpit hair out of sheer boredom.

i just sit there thinking, how is it not butter?

Create the perfect song/poem/philosophical theory/scientific discovery right before you fall asleep and forget it in the morning.

Sometimes i think i've been living a dream life, and one day im really gonna wake up in the middle of 9th grade math class and have to explain why i was sleeping on my desk and jerking off so much.

When I'm at someone else's house, clutter sort of bothers me and it makes me want to clean up. At my own house, it feels really weird if there's a lack of clutter, so I like to keep it that way.

Sometimes I look at a digital clock and try to force the numbers to change with the power of my mind.

i see things on this site and am secretly glad im not weird like everyone else

When you are speaking to someone with a distinct accent and suddenly take on the accent as your own when responding. - Missy Chemick

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> Minecraftcodes.info <

At school I go along with the norm even though inside I HATE it!!!!

I am wearing ear buds even though I'm not actually listening to anything.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.