suddenly get stage fright when in a public bathroom stall and break the awkward silence by pretending you just went in there to get loo paper to blow your nose.

When I read something someone you know has written I read it in their voice.

When theres a sex scene in the movie I like to jack off to see if I would last as long as the man -deadpool (yogurt)

I used to do almost everything an even number of times because I thought that if I didn't something bad would happen.

Check the time on my cell phone, put it back in my pocket. Dammit, didn't see the time. Check it again.

Try to balance on and off on the light switch.

Wait until my significant other is in shower and then let loose the longest, loudest fart that's been building in me all night and pray it's muffled by the mattress and the covers.

Lay between the wall and the bed when the bed is pefectly fine

After going to the bathroom, flush the toilet than hurry out of the bathroom and walk fast past a certain line going across the floor or make an imaginary line on the floor before the toilet fully flushes.

Glance at your friend beside you, smile to yourself, and think, "I could murder them."

Run back into your room when your microwaving something

Sometime i'll see someone or something like a person or a car and visualize a big meteorite smashing then out of nowhere.

Have deja vu while talking to someone and then stop listening to what they are saying for a few seconds till the feeling passes, then nod like you have been listening the whole time.

When the T.V switches to commercial sometimes I forget what I was watching Noel

Mostly make fun of my best friends but never make fun of just regular friends

Multi task while your brushing your teeth and forget you have a tooth brush in your mouth.

When I am walking at night, I see a slight shadow behind me for a second, I walk faster, I see the shadow again, I think it is some kind of scary monster and then I decide to run for my life. When I get back home, I realize the shadow is my shadow.

Sneeze for a few minutes when I've eaten too much.

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I used to peep when my relatives are watching porn, back when i was a kid. After that, i feel like i wanna pee.

i feel relived after i prick and see that hard-white thinggy that oozes outside my annoying acne.

Smell a fart and don't react until someone else does.

try to find this website, but type in "thingsonlyyouthinkyoudo" or "thingsyouonlythinkyoudo" .. give up.. then google it instead.

I strum my fingers on my other hand between the fingers on the other hand which is a fist to make a popping sound (Try it, it's really fun)

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.