accidently sleep on my arm and it falls asleep

taking your t shirt or sweatshirt off quickly so nothing gets you while its over your face

i always fall in my imaginations. whenever i think of something, e.g me walking to my room, i'd fall on my way there. what's wrong with me.....

A mix of Slenderman and Herobrine would be the ideal husband for me. >:)

When I climb into bed every night, I always say, "Bed bed bed bed bed bed bed bed bed bed bed bed," while shifting until I am comfortablely settled. -Ikka

Brake for tail-gaters

Wonder if someone is ever doing the exact same thing you are at the moment.

Mix my coffee with the spoon upside down.

I lift my butt when I'm farting

Going to sleep during class thinking that you've written down all your notes, until you wake up and realize you did nothing.

I always walk down the hall James Bond style. Gun out, along the wall, looking around corners before I walk into or by a room.

Peeing in the shower

Be a loner at school

Forget a seemingly simple word. Shout it out at random 3 days later...(don't tell me you don't do this)

I make it sound like i'm ordering for more than one person when I'm really only getting fast food for myself.

When listening to music I imagine myself and people in a movie scene that fits the music.

whenever I lost a tooth my parents would while I slept they would sprinkle caster sugar on the window sill and make footprints in it (tiny footprints)

When im alone i have a conversation with myself

I can't leave the volume on anything on a odd number.

Sing every word to Bohemian Rhapsody every time you hear it in the most dramatic way possible.

sometimes when I'm eating, I eat with the opposite side of my mouth. just to be fair to it.

On Youtube. Moving the mouse cursor over the video thumbnails thinking it will display different snap shots from the video. And realizing what a guy I am...

Math tests-doing all the work for a problem only to find out my answer is not any of the multiple choices.

scripting the blackboard with your fingernails? no problem, but just the imagination of biting on an ice cream stick out of wood and then moving it through your teeth makes me go crazy!

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.