test how many stares you can scale in one step

While washing your hair in the shower, having the weird fear of opening your eyes to see something staring at you.

Stepping on a concrete sidewalk square the exact amount of times as the others.

Being the only one laughing at something on TV, then feeling awkward.

turning up the volume in your car when theres a car next to you blasting a terrible song.

Talking to yourself in your head so you don't seem so crazy.

Eat a biscuit realise how nice it is and eat the whole packet

Vigorously scratch my head over a black surface and watch the dandruff fall like snowflakes....then eat it.

I sometimes look at a guy and wonder how big their dick is.

When Ive already talked to somebody , I think of things I couldve said to make the converstion better

I don't like Winter. Because I'm scared that when we use the heater, our house will catch on fire.

When my soap is running low, I add water to it.

Hot in bed? Stick one leg out and then wrap it around the top of the duvet

feel like im being watched turn my head sideways and see someone suddenly look away.

i see almost everything as a sign

Touch something dirty with one hand then wash it but then wash the other hand cause it feels weird when it's not wet like your other hand.

Close my eyes and squeeze them so I can see colorful stars and galaxies.

Sitting on toilet after pooping without wiping for longer than a minute because your in your phone.

When boarding the escalator, I select a specific step before getting on causing a slight queue.

when i use omegle u usually say im a girl, when a guy says how long is his thing, i say 'mine too' :D

I've had a problem all my life with people thinking I'm a boy, (I'm a girl) so when I first meet someone, my instinct is to find some reason, (however stupid) to say that I'm a girl, (EX: "Can you believe that people actually think I'm a boy?" like when I just meet them).

If I am waiting on someone and they are late, I start mentally listing their faults, flaws and mistakes but feel kind of bad for doing it when they finally show up.

When your talking to a hot girl and then picture her naked with you in bed but then stop thinking about that because you think she can read your mind

pretend celebrities are watching you then getting really freaked out.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.