When serving grilled steak, I always make sure I get the best one.

Stand really close to the mirror and look myself in the eyes. Try to scare myself or make a really fast movement, hoping my reflection can't keep up.

Eat pizza backwards because the crust isn't as good as the cheese part and I want to get that over with.

Glance at your friend beside you, smile to yourself, and think, "I could murder them."

Fall asleep at night fantasizing about how you wish life situations would play out.

filling your mouth with water in the shower and spitting it at the wall.

Accidentally make a weird noise and quickly turn around frantically to see if anyone else hear it.

Hate to type Morals under each one of my posts Moral: A small chick in the hand is better than a huge C**K up your ass. I am pretty sure not even women nor homosexuals want birds up there...Then again, I havent searched for anything like that at the intern... they are eating her! And now they are gonna eat me! OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD! (fly stuck on head)

Wondering if your life is a TV show, and people are watching what you do.

wake up in the middle of the night and write your dream if you like it. Or just write all night and dont sleep all night for days at a time.

Instead of having a nasty breaking up, I just disappear.

Covering the movement sensors with toilet paper on public toilets incase it's a secret camera.

Wonder what I would have said to my dad if I knew he was going to die

Whenever I read creepy pastas and there is a picture after the story I get afraid to look at it than when I do I freak out thinking it's going to eat me. Than when I look at it I shout FUUUUUUU.. Than look at it some more and I burst out laughing seeing its a fucking dumb picture.

I use my phone's auto-correct to make sure the words I'm writing are correct.

Thinking, "What is wrong with this generation"

Writing d as b and b as d or p as q

Taking the time to lick all of the cream off of the inside of an Oreo.

When I get photographed with a flash and afterwards there is that little greenish dot in my vision, I keep trying to look at it directly, although I know that it's impossible

I just saw the D in Disney for the first time ever. My brain always saw a backwards G. I knew it was supposed to be a D, I just never bothered to fix it. There has been a G there my whole life.

check to see if post has any likes right after posting it. then have second thoughts about it.

I'm in computer class at school right now. I'm supposed to be making up for incomplete assignments. But I have been on Things only you think you do, Funny Exams, DIY Fail, Pointless Super powers, Explain this image, and Perfectly Time Photos all class class period. I just noticed these websites aren't blocked at school.

For some reason I really love to be hated on horsehead network, no idea why, stopped questioning it moments ago... Moral: Know what I mean?

Being all alone in your house and your mind starts to believe its haunted.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.