Whenever someone enters a pin number I always try to see how many number I can remember

I sit up all night on the computer/xbox then when people ask if i have slept i just lie and say yes to avoid the drama.

rub your face on your legs after shaving to feel how smooth they are.

I wonder sometimes if I've ever met my future self.

When I'm watching something or playing something and the character goes underwater, I hold my breath until the character reaches the surface. This is weird as hell, does anyone else do this?

When my friends talk bout a show they ask did u see the one where they did this and I nod even thow I have no idea what they're talking about

When I am surfing the web and i go to another website i see an ad that was about something i just viewed from previous website I wonder if a little man is inside my pc keeping catalog of every website that i visit.

When ever I'm walking up or down stairs, i always have to step on the last step with my left foot.

sing really loud to songs in the car, but stop when people are right next to you at stoplights.

you turn the dial on your microwave until it reaches as far as it can go

When climbing onto an escalator, I cannot just step on it and go, I have to mentally prepare myself and time my steps to get on, especially if it's going down, cause I'm terrified I will fall off... I usually end up irritating the people behind me trying to get on, as it takes me almost 10 to 15 seconds to find the right step.. And also, I cannot touch the escalator's sides.

use any nearby window's reflection you walk by to check on appearance.

check to see if post has any likes right after posting it. then have second thoughts about it.

log out of any social network sites so that when im on a website it doesnt somehow send messages to my profile

smell your socks cause you like the smell of your own sweat

When im out with my dad in the car i swear traffic lights always seem to go to red when were coming

Waking up at 4 am wondering where your pillow went.

I know how to Gleek on command. (Don't know what it is just look it up.)

Text random people saying I'm pregnant

Okay so probably like everyone else, when Schapelle Corby was found with drugs on her in bali I thought she was innocent but now since she was let out of the prison I am wondering if she did do it?

When I'm walking on pavement or tiles I always make patterns, e.g stepping on every second tile, stepping a certain amount of times on each bit of pavement

Cry every day just because it makes you feel better.

i have conversations in my head about showing someone some music and end up playing specific parts of various songs on my ipod and memorise the timings just in case it does happen

log off the internet then think of something and go back on

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.