okay,So we bought a 1000 piece puzzle and made a point to put it together when it was done we found that it was missing a piece so we went back to the same store bought the same puzzle and went through it until we found the missing piece then returned it.

Call the ninja turtles by their full names.

going to bed at 10:30 pm realize i have to check Facebook go to YouTube randomly watch 2 hours of nothing, then find my self pulling an all nighter cause its 4 am and i got school.

When I'm on Facebook, I flip between someone's most recent profile picture and their first one, just to see how much they've changed.

If two cars towing boats were to crash into each other, Would that make it a boating accident?

I get more creeped out the more I read the comments here, especially as the comments start getting really low thumbs ups.

Getting bored when a page is loading and scrolling the wheel on your mouse back and forth one click.

I play video games with the controller under the covers.

When I'm drinking something, I slosh the glass back and forth a long with my head to try and get what I'm drinking into my mouth.

I split my gum in half so I can chew on both sides.

Everytime i take of my sweater i start singing "its getting hot in here"

Feel like puhing the crap out of people who talk loud in public places.

When I'm getting shouted out i blur my eyes and think of something else :3

I chew my ice cream.

I have to look at myself in multiple mirrors before I leave my apartment. Sometimes if I'm alone, I'll walk back and forth between 2 or 3 mirrors about 25 times before I'm content to leave.

When i talk i say i like how or i hate that.

Pass wind after i ate lasagna.

Stick my tongue inside the ramen noodle flavor bag when im dne with it.

Not eat French fries because I don't like the taste rather than because they are unhealthy?

Forgets something then walks into the room to get it then forgets what you forgot nikki

Ur mum

Get excited when your friends think your favorite song is cool.

When I'm bored I argue with myself inside my head.

When I'm reading a story in English class or a book in general but I'm tired while doing so and I'm reading on down the page, if I read a sentence and miss a word or mispronounce a word I MUST go back and re read the entire sentence until I have read it correctly or I feel very weird and panicked.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.