When I'm getting shouted out i blur my eyes and think of something else :3

I chew my ice cream.

I have to look at myself in multiple mirrors before I leave my apartment. Sometimes if I'm alone, I'll walk back and forth between 2 or 3 mirrors about 25 times before I'm content to leave.

When i talk i say i like how or i hate that.

Pass wind after i ate lasagna.

Stick my tongue inside the ramen noodle flavor bag when im dne with it.

Not eat French fries because I don't like the taste rather than because they are unhealthy?

Forgets something then walks into the room to get it then forgets what you forgot nikki

Ur mum

Get excited when your friends think your favorite song is cool.

When I'm bored I argue with myself inside my head.

When I'm reading a story in English class or a book in general but I'm tired while doing so and I'm reading on down the page, if I read a sentence and miss a word or mispronounce a word I MUST go back and re read the entire sentence until I have read it correctly or I feel very weird and panicked.

wipe your hands on your pants

when i eat, i sometimes switch which side of my mouth i chew my food with to even it out.

only drink milk from a freshly opened carton

When making something I pretend I'm making a YouTube video of it and pretend I am getting lots of views

Try to think of something nice when then thinks I the scariest things

whenever I come across a website like this, I try to read through every post as fast as I can. When I reach the end, I feel like I accomplished something but sad I have no more to read.

pee when you are dreaming haha lol

collect kleenex boxes for the cool designs

When you're out for a run, you pretend that someone is chasing after you so you run harder.

People looking at me when listening to my Ipod. "Can they hear my music?" *turn volume down*

When posting these, I'm rarely able to read the words/letters in the box that prove you're human and not some computer virus. Now I'm starting to think I'm not a human......

go to the search engine suggestions and see what people found, then type them in to see if you get the same results

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.