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Rubbing your scalp and watching your dandruff fall like snowflakes

Scratching with the wife's/girlfriends hair brush.

I like making subliminal messages (givemeyourmoney)

Sometimes when I'm all alone, I like to rub vasceline on myself and pretend I'm a slug.

When ever a door is about to close I always try to put my hand between the door and stop it, but it gets to small and I get scared.

I wonder why the word ISLAND has an "S" in it?

Every time I see people's bare feet I'm automatically counting their toes to make sure if they have an extra toe or two.

watch old shows I used to watch when I was younger

Sometimes I wonder if I'm actually in a coma and that everything is just a dream and my parents are standing over me watching me and wishing their daughter was awake

toilet:a place for reading and going on fb shower:place for singing school:place for sleeping and fuck others.internet:place for shitting brixs.

in my mind, traffic cones are called VLC.

in a grocery store, only walking on the colored single tiles the entire time your in there pretending there small cliffs without touching the white one otherwise you fall and fail.

Dilikes the Gangnam Style.

Seeing someone gettin roasted for something and then making sure you dont do the same thing.

Trying to recreate all facial expressions of people on television, even animated ones!

I often force my mind to think that i'm slowing down time at will just to feel awesome (like when walking down the street i try to make the all cars slow down).

Listening to music walking through town and feeling like you're in a music video

When I'm peeing in the urinal, I aim to the side so it doesn't deflect back on me.

Checking your phone for a text when you know you don't have one. Matt

I watch American football with the sound down low because the announcers are always trying to tell us that we didn't see what we just saw when the referees make bad calls

Always check the other side of the shower curtain when showering out of fear that someone is on the other side

Realizes there is less toilet paper than first thought. Hobbles across bathroom to find more. Failure. Take shower.

A mix of Slenderman and Herobrine would be the ideal husband for me. >:)

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.