You know how there is that sound that gives you the shiver? Whenever you here it you shiver and tell that sound maker to shut up, but then can't stop thinking about that sound and find people looking at you and saying "Is it really that cold?" And then you stop thinking about the sound. P.S. I would like to say I have never relized how weird I am! This site has revealed my inner weirdness! -Astrid

Get freaked out when door bell or phone rings when you are doing something you are not supposed to.

When I see that someone else is typing while I'm texting them, I try to quickly finish what I'm typing and send it so that I won't have to change my response.

This song will not come out of my head!

when someones child falls and cries while you walking through town and you laugh to yourself

I wonder why the word ISLAND has an "S" in it?

Sleeping with one leg under the blanket and one out.

When your best friend has a certain make/model/color car, you start seeing it everywhere you go.

Leftovers are better than the actual meal ;)

I never even met you! Why do you care who I'm talking to?

get embarrassed when someone is in the public bathroom, and your shit makes a splash in the toilet

I eat food when i'm bored..

I look at my phone screen when i'm in an uncomfortable situation, and five minutes later i have to look again cause somebody asks what time it is.

Doing a little dance after having sex because your so proud you're a FATHER!!! - Uncle Jerrett

Picking my nose.

Having that feeling of entering the wrong classroom or bus, even though you know it is the right one.

Sit on the back of the commode when at work to give yourself an impromptu break.

When I drink out of a disposable coffee cup with a lid, the opening on the lid has be on the exact opposite side from the seam where the cup is glued to form the cylinder.

Not vote up my own posts? I bet I'm among the few..

when I'm walking i always try to step over the cracks with the same foot every time

having cool friends, but all their other friends are nerds.

Teacher asks class a question, so I put my head down and pretend to take notes.

See how fast and accurate i can use the fast forward on my dvr and applaud myself when i go full speed and stop 2 seconds before the show is back on.

Having to poop in a certain way to avoid your ass sucking it in again. If it all comes out in one go, the cleaning becomes a lot easier and more satisfying.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.