When you have a stuffy nose, and you put tissue in one nostril so you can breathe.

Doing something, and someone asks you what you're doing, and you realize you can't remember. Then they walk off and the instant they're gone, you remember.

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> Minecraftcodes.info <

Always look down at the floor or avoiding any kind of eye contact when your getting told off for something really bad

I have a phobia of incest

Rinse off salted nuts before eating them

Check my underwear for any sh!t from farts (yes, sometimes my shit comes with a fart) captcha: royal flush

When you can't be bothered to go to the toilet so you stay watching tv or going on your laptop while trying to hold it in.

while you put your t-shirt on, you get frightened that someone's watching you behind your shirt so you try to put it on as soon as possible.

When I am bored, I imagine saving my crush' s life and we live happily ever after. :( what an idiot I am

Laugh softly when you hear someone else cry

shit corn, even though i havent recently eaten corn.

Food is always tastier the SECOND time you heat it up.

Sometimes when I'm all alone, I like to rub vasceline on myself and pretend I'm a slug.

having cool friends, but all of their other friends are nerds.

Try to do things while waiting for the microwave.

Unable to be near my cat without petting her or talking to her.

Pretend to cough in class so other people could pretend to cough

Something that bothers me is when a movie sequel comes out and for whatever reason the same things from the first movie happens so they just end up making the same movie

When I hear the doorbell ringing and I'm not expecting anyone, I turn off the tv/music and try not to make any sound, so they think there's no one home.

Make a day of reading posts from Craiglist's Best-Of.

Sitting next to a banana called James

skipping back to the start of the guitar solo over and over so I can pretend I'm playing it

you turn the dial on your microwave until it reaches as far as it can go

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.