Sitting on a toilet in a public bathroom and staying silent until everyone leaves, so you do not feel the embarrassment

Whenever I'm in the shower, I never close my eyes because I think someones gonna kill me

disgusted by people that are obsessed with poo and pee

Brake for tail-gaters

Do sex sensations feel exactly the same for the opposite sex.

Wonder if someone is ever doing the exact same thing you are at the moment.

Smell my fingers after I pick u pennies or unlock the door with my keys!

Mix my coffee with the spoon upside down.

When the toilet paper falls to the floor, I quickly roll it again so nobody notices it.

Sometimes when I fart while sitting down, I lift one leg up.

I lift my butt when I'm farting

When bored in School, I like to imagine what I would do at that exact moment if a Zombie Apocalypse started.

Going to sleep during class thinking that you've written down all your notes, until you wake up and realize you did nothing.

I used to do almost everything an even number of times because I thought that if I didn't something bad would happen.

turn on my reading light when I get in bed just to check if there's a monster.

Force a piss out really hard because you're in a rush.

I always walk down the hall James Bond style. Gun out, along the wall, looking around corners before I walk into or by a room.

While spending the night drinking with my spouse at home, i put a diaper on so i don't have to go to the bathroom every 5 minutes. I also change it for a fresh one when i go to bed.

Peeing in the shower

If I'm home alone, I tell myself good night when I am getting cozy in bed. I even use my name.

Be a loner at school

Keep things on my body equal. ex. Hold something in my right hand so I hold something equally heavy in my left hand.

Seeing someone gettin roasted for something and then making sure you dont do the same thing.

I pee in the shower.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.