imagine a bunch of girls are watching you at home, so you don't look like a dumbass

Play poly-rhythmic drum beats along with my turn signal on my car.

If I have to put the garbage out at night I sprint back into the house so the monsters don't get me

Run up all stairs two at a time, and memorize all the staircases with odd number of steps. On those, I start with one step so I can end on a two.

when you get a runny nose suddenly checks for blood oh good its clear

When the font allows it, try to hide the cursor in capital I's.

I wish I can go somewhere where there is no influences trying to get me to buy a product or be a certain way

Call the ninja turtles by their full names.

feel like your calculator is judging/making fun of you for looking up simple equations

Make calculations with house number. Eg: House nº 112 means house nº 4

put wood glue on my hand, blow it dry and peel it off to make fake skin

Sorry I posted last comment 3 times. And it is best ever not beat ever.

wonder why the word "MORTGAGE" has a T in it?

Play call of duty then go around shooting everyone in your mind for the rest of the day

Sometimes, I wonder why god or the big bang ever existed in the first place and why there is a universe in the first place ... And it makes my brain hurt!

When you can feel yourself blushing so you pretend to be preoccupied with something else.

If I'm trying to read a clock or bulletin from far away, I instinctively stand and point at it.

When I am drinking coffee and I am nearly finished I swish the coffee to get the last of the sugar

after taking a dump i always still smell a little bit of poop and i wonder if other people smell it too

Pick your dead skin then eat it.

Start walking down a busy street or mall, and realise I've gone the wrong way. Suddenly stop and pretend to read something on my phone for a few seconds before turning round and walking the right way.

Mares really turn me on, so I download "bad stuff" Ironically though, I worked at a farm last summer and realized there is nothing more disgusting than reality. Still mares turn me on... If on video.

Sometimes I won't do something just to see how long it takes before someone else does it (dishes, throw something away, fill the ice cube tray, etc.).

When I am surfing the web and i go to another website i see an ad that was about something i just viewed from previous website I wonder if a little man is inside my pc keeping catalog of every website that i visit.

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.