Put on different accents, ad talk to my self in the mirror.

setting your alarm early so that when you wake up you see you still have time to sleep and you're like YES!!!

sitting in the passenger seat of the car, move my head around gently to guide a piece of dirt on the window in the foreground around the obstacle course of trees, streetlights etc in the background. Also, imagine my eyes are projecting lasers which cut through anything and carve the passing world up to my design.

imagine killing someone by accident and feeling really guilty about it.

Get my belt loop caught on the door handle,

look for old friends on facebook to see what they are up to now

I hate when people say for example,if something is $3.99 they say its four dollars.

Walking down stairs. Accidently miss last step. Feel like you're going to die.

wonder if the strange thing you're doing right now will pop up on this website

Not doing any work Feel guilty about it Then still do no work

I very carefully smell what I'm about to eat before I eat it, but I'd most likely eat it, even if I hadn't smelled it first.

When I'm sleeping, I turn and my bed shakes, and I wake up thinking it's an earthquake.

taking a shit while brushing my teeth.

Whenever I cross the road with someone I try to walk faster then them just in case a car comes it won't drive me over.

Sleeping with one leg under the blanket and one out.

Look at a guy and think that he is a good looking guy, than immidiatly try to think of something else because thats gay.

I put toilet paper in first before i poop, so the water dosent splash me.

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I'm in a hurry I press the elevator button several times

I use encryption even for everyday, routine communications because fuck the NSA.

Put a few bits of toilet paper in the toilet before having a poo so there is no splash!

Thinking about what you want to dream about while brushing your teeth at night.

Take out all the marshmallows in a bowl of Lucky Charms, eat the "cat food" (the dry cereal that looks like dry kitty food!), then put the marshmallows back in the milk and eat them!

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Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.