I say random stuff when I wake up. Just to make sure my voice is still working.

Pour a bowl of cereal. Open fridge. No milk. (karky)

strt thinking about something spinning, then cant stop no matter how hard you try.

I scold or point at my electronics and tell them "No, bad!" whenever I push the wrong button or shut them off on accident.

Talks to yourself in your head then replies to yourself out loud nikki

Thinking you smell really bad and then putting to much deodorant/perfume/ect and you still think you smell bad. Is this just me?

Leftovers are better than the actual meal ;)

When I'm in the shower and I hear a noise I automatically think someone broke into my house and killed my family and that they're coming for me and I will have to fight off the killer naked.

Praying to God even though you tell people you're an Atheist.

i fap in the bathroom because its the only room i have a reason to lock the door in.

Sometimes when im sitting in class i start thinking how i would save the whole classroom if someone was to come in with a gun and start shooting.

when you are you a self flushing urinal/toilet you think it is a tiny camera and think someone is watching you so you rush to finish using the bathroom

I trap my farts under the covers and sniff them all up or cup them in my hand and sniff real hard to get the smell.

Having leg bounce up and down for no reason at all.

I like wet humping better than f*cking. but sometimes it slips in anyway, and it's that's pretty enjoyable too. and mt girlfriend is cool with. ... so it's actualy pretty whatevs either way. but wet humping is my jam.

When changing the volume one my computer it has to be a multiple of 2

If you see someone singing in a car, then search on the radio stations to find the matching song to the the miming you see.

Sweet! I've just received my free minecraft giftcode! >> Minecraftcodes.info <

Put on different accents, ad talk to my self in the mirror.

setting your alarm early so that when you wake up you see you still have time to sleep and you're like YES!!!

sitting in the passenger seat of the car, move my head around gently to guide a piece of dirt on the window in the foreground around the obstacle course of trees, streetlights etc in the background. Also, imagine my eyes are projecting lasers which cut through anything and carve the passing world up to my design.

imagine killing someone by accident and feeling really guilty about it.

Get my belt loop caught on the door handle,

look for old friends on facebook to see what they are up to now

Things You Think Only You Do

A collection of things you think only you do. Go ahead and confess. You probably aren't the only one.